
Feb 28, 2010

La USAF comenzará en breve las pruebas de vuelo del avión hipersónico X-51
Hay cuatro vuelos de prueba planeados. El X-51 está diseañado para operar mas tiempo y a mas distancia que modelos anteriores. Boeing ha estado trabajando en el avión desde 2003. El avión será lanzado desde el ala de un B-52.
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U.S. Air Force Set To Begin X-51 Hypersonic Flight Tests
The U.S. Air Force is gearing up for the first of four planned test flights of a hypersonic aircraft designed to operate for much longer durations and cover far greater distances than previous platforms of its type, called X-51. The maiden flight of the X-51 Waverider aircraft — the first U.S. hypersonic vehicle to fly in six years — is scheduled to take place later in March. Boeing Defense, Space & Security Systems of St. Louis has been developing the aircraft since 2003 on behalf of the Air Force Research Laboratory and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
The missile-shaped X-51 will be carried aloft under the wing of a B-52 bomber.
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A pesar de China, Estados Unidos dice que la Fuerza Aérea de Taiwán necesita ayuda
Gran parte de los 400 aviones de combate de Taiwán, no están operativos debido a su antigüedad y a problemas de mantenimiento. Un informe ordenado por el Congreso americano, revela que Taiwán necesita modernizar su armamento, ante la creciente fortaleza mostrada por China. Estados Unidos es el principal proveedor de armamento de Taiwán. China rechazó duramente las últimas ventas realizadas por Estados Unidos a Taiwán. Es deseo de Taiwán, la compra de 66 nuevos F-16.(Leer mas...)

Despite China, U.S. says Taiwan air force needs help

Many of Taiwan's roughly 400 combat aircraft would not work in action due to age and maintenance problems. The report, ordered by Congress, says upgrades are needed as China gets stronger. The United States is Taiwan's top arms supplier but also wants to improve its ties with Beijing. China reacted angrily last month after President Barack Obama's administration unveiled its first arms package for self-ruled Taiwan.
Taiwan is seeking 66 new U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets, but Washington officials wary of another China backlash have hedged on the request, saying they must evaluate Taiwan's overall defense needs.(Read more...)

Arabia Saudí compra misiles Storm Shadow a la compañia MBDA
Arabia Saudí y el fabricante MBDA, han firmado un contrato para la compra del misil de crucero Storm Shadow como parte del proceso de modernización de los Tornado Saudíes. Se ha incluido en la compra el misil antitanque Brimstone. Como misil aire-aire a corta distancia, Arabia Saudí ha elegido el IRIS-T para los Tornado y los Typhoon en lugar del ASRAAM inicialemente en proyecto. MBDA se ha mostrado reacia a reconocer la venta, incluso existiendo imágenes de un Tornado saudí bajo modernización en la planta de BAE en Warton, despegando portando un misil Storm Shadow. (Leer mas...)

Saudi Arabia Buys MBDA Missiles

Saudi Arabia has signed a deal to acquire the Storm Shadow cruise missile from European weapons builder MBDA as part of a Tornado strike aircraft update package. The weapons package also includes the Brimstone anti-armor missile
Earlier plans to include the ASRAAM short-range air-to-air missile ended last year when the Saudis selected Diehl BGT Defence's rival IRIS-T for Tornado and the Typhoon fighter. French-based weapons firm MBDA, in which BAE is a major shareholder, has always refused to discuss negotiations even though a Saudi aircraft being modified at BAE's Warton aerospace complex in the U.K. was photographed taking off on a test flight carrying a Storm Shadow. (Read more...)
Agusta Westland (Italia) establece alianza para fabricación en la India
AgustaWestland ha firmado una "joint venture" con Tata Sons India, para la construcción de una linea de ensamblaje en la India. El contrato incluye el ensamblaje del AW119 para el mercado mundial, con una producción de 30 unidades al año. El primero saldría de la línea de producción en 2011. AgustaWestland propone el AW119 para el concurso actual de Helicóptero de reconocimiento y vigilancia para las fuerza armadas.
Por otra parte Fincantieri de Italia, ha iniciado la construcción de dos petrolereros para la armada de India, con las siguientes características: 27.500 tm., 20 nudos, 175 metros de eslora, 25 metros de ancho, tripulaciòn de 250, y capacidad de portar helicopteros.(Leer mas...)

AgustaWestland (Italy) Sets Up Indian Joint Venture

Italian helicopter firm AgustaWestland has signed to create a joint venture with India's Tata Sons to build a final assembly line in India, was announced Feb. 16.
The deal envisages assembly work being undertaken on the line on AgustaWestland's AW119 helicopter for the worldwide market, with a production rate of 30 a year and the first aircraft potentially ready for delivery in 2011.
AgustaWestland is proposing the AW119 for the Indian military Reconnaissance and Surveillance Helicopter program.
Fellow Italian firm Fincantieri announced Feb. 12 that it had launched in Italy the first of two fleet tankers ordered by the Indian Navy, with delivery scheduled by the end of the year. The 27,500-ton, 20-knot tankers are 175 meters long, 25 meters wide and 19 meters high, and will carry up to 250 crew and passengers as well as helicopters.(Read more...)

Armada iraní bota primer destructor de construcción nacional
La Armada de Iran ha botado su primer destructor de construcción nacional "Jamaran", en el Golfo Pérsico. Su desplazamiento es de 1.400 tm y está equipado con radares y electrónica modernos, capacidad de guerra electrónica, tripulación de 120-140 y amplia variedad de armamento antibuque y aire superficie. Su velocidad es de unos 30 nudos y tiene capacidad para helicóptero. La armada iraní cuenta con equipamiento procedente de la época anterior a la revolución de 1979, y es de fabricación norteamericana. Iran está siendo sancianado por Naciones Unidas por el programa de enriquecimiento de uranio.(leer mas...)
Iran's navy launched its first domestically made destroyer "Jamaran"
Iran's navy launched its first domestically made destroyer "Jamaran" in the Persian Gulf on Feb. It has a displacement of around 1,400 tons and is equipped with modern radars and electronic warfare capabilities, can carry 120-140 personnel on board and is armed with a variety of anti-ship and surface-to-air missiles with a top speed of up to 30 knots and has a helipad. Much of Iran's naval equipment dates from before the 1979 Islamic revolution and is U.S. made. In the past year Iranian navy has carried out a number of missions in the Gulf of Aden and offshore Somalia where it was commissioned to escort Iranian merchant ships and oil tankers.
Iran is under U.N. sanctions for failing to obey Security Council resolutions demanding that an halt in uranium enrichment.(read more...)
Australia va a modernizar su flota de 12 C-130.
Australia va a realizar una modernización por valor de 40 millones de dólares su flota de 12 C-130. La modernización permitirá a Australia cumplir con los requerimientos de tráfico aéreo internacional. Los trabajos se enmarcan dentro de un proyecto multinacional de usuarios del C-130J (USA, Reino Unido, Canadá e Italia). Tres aviones están basados en Oriente Medio y a menudo son llamados para operaciones de urgencia en el sureste asiático y el pacífico.(Leer mas...)
Australia has approved an A$45 million ($40 million) upgrade to its air force's fleet of 12 Lockheed Martin C-130J

Australia has approved an A$45 million ($40 million) upgrade to its air force's fleet of 12 Lockheed Martin C-130J military transports. Upgrade will enable Australia's fleet of C-130J to meet new global air traffic management requirements and continue to operate in global airspace.
The work will be part of the C-130J Joint User Group Global Project Arrangement, a multi-national programme that enables several operators to upgrade them together. This includes the USA, the UK, Canada and Italy. Three aircraft are based in the Middle East, and the fleet is often called upon for operations on short notice in South-East Asia and the Pacific region.
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Australia elegirá nuevo helicóptero naval en 2011
Australia elegirá nuevo helicóptero naval en 2011 con primeras entregas previstas en 2014. El concurso se producirá entre el Sikorsky MH-60R y el NH90, y sustituirá a los Seahawk y a los cancelados Super Seasprite. El pedido total será de unas 24 unidades.
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Australia plans to select a new naval combat helicopter in 2011

Australia plans to select a new naval combat helicopter in 2011 and begin taking deliveries in 2014. The competition will, as expected, be between the Lockheed Martin/Sikorsky MH-60R and the NH Industries NH90. The winner will replace the navy's 16 Seahawks and its cancelled Super Seasprite project, which was ditched in early 2008 after falling seven years behind schedule and almost 50% over budget.
Canberra intends to order at least 24 new naval combat helicopters, enabling the navy to provide eight or more aircraft concurrently embarked on ships at sea.
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Australia ha aprobado la compra de siete Boeing CH-47F Chinook
Australia ha aprobado la compra de siete Boeing CH-47F Chinook por 670 millones de dólares. Las primeras entregas están previstas para 2014 y estarán completadas para 2017. Sustituirán a los actuales en servicio de la versión "D". La versión "F" ofrece una serie de mejoras(célula reforzada, mejor capacidad de desplazamiento, sistemas digitales).(Leer mas...)
Australia has approved the purchase of seven Boeing CH-47F Chinook helicopters

Australia has approved the purchase of seven Boeing CH-47F Chinook helicopters for 670 millones de dólares. The first two helicopters will enter service in 2014 and all seven will be operational by 2017. The helicopters will replace the Australian army's six older CH-47D helicopters. This comes after Australia said during its 2009 defence white paper that it could buy the CH-47F to augment its army's medium-lift capabilities. The "F" models offer a range of improvements(strengthened airframe, improved deployability, and digital systems.
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Feb 27, 2010


Rusia suministrará al Líbano helicópteros Mi-24 de ataque en lugar de los 10 MIG-29 originalmente acordados, según comunica la oficina presidencial, el 27 de febrero. Este material ha sido solicitado urgentemente por el Líbano, y están equipados con cohetes y electrónica avanzada.
El presidente libanés, Sleiman, mantuvo conversaciones con el presidente ruso, Dmitry Medvedev, en Moscú, la primera visita realizada por un jefe de estado libanés a Rusia. En total serán suministrados 10 Mi-24. En la visita también fue firmado un acuerdo de colaboración militar para proveer al ejército libanés de material ruso.
Russia has agreed to supply Lebanon with Mi-24 helicopter gunships instead of the MIG-29 fighter jets originally agreed, the office of Lebanese President Michel Sleiman said Feb. 27. The Russian authorities agreed to replace the MIG-29 fighters, initially foreseen in their military aid, with Mi-24 helicopters as the Lebanese army urgently needs this type of aircraft equipped with rockets and sophisticated means of defense," a statement said.
Sleiman held talks Feb. 25 with his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, in Moscow, the first visit by a Lebanese head of state to Russia.
Lebanon's defense minister, Elias Murr, told reporters 10 Mi-24s would be delivered instead of 10 MIG-29s.
The statement from Sleiman's office said that while in Moscow the president also signed a "military cooperation agreement providing for the supply of equipment to the Lebanese army and the training of its officers and men.

Feb 26, 2010


El Heron Eitan, ha sido diseñado como aeronave de vigilancia y puede permanecer en vuelo durante 24 horas, con carga de pago de 1000 kg, aunque su diseño no es para portar armamento, sino equipos y sensores.
El furor sobre su alcance está basado en la hipótesis de si puede alcanzar Irán.
El Eitan es "primo lejano" del norteamericano UAV Global Hawk, de largo alcance y que puede configurarse para misiones de combate, aunque su sistema de propulsión es diferente. Lo mas probable es que sea utilizado como apoyo a tropas terrestres y apoyo en determinadas operaciones aéreas, lo que lo hace útil para otro tipo de misiones, no solo militares. Australia está pensando en adquirir este tipo de tecnología para controlar la inmigración ilegal en sus costas, ya que piensa que es mas barato de operar que los P3 Orion designados para esta tarea.
The Eitan is the latest UAV designed as surveillance planes and can stay in the air for 24 hours. It has a payload of 1000kg, according to some sources, while others say it can take 1000kg of sensors. The meanings are relevant, because there's a big difference between a combat load of that size and cameras.
The furor about its range is based on the ongoing “debate” about whether Israeli planes can reach Iran. The Iranians say they can’t, the Israelis say they can.
Wikipedia has more specifications which are better definitions of Eitan’s actual functions. More importantly, the Wikipedia article’s also related to the commercial prospects of this potentially very useful plane, which appears to be one of the primary drivers of its sudden rise to fame.
This is a medium range plane, and its most likely combat role would be supporting ground forces and assisting some air operations, which it appears to be equipped to do very effectively. It’s not designed as a natural participant in combat. It has no obvious hard points, and a single prop driven plane would require some modifications to lug any weapon with major combat capability long ranges for 24 hours. In missions outside Israel it would need to operate under the wing of the air superiority of the Israeli Air Force. The Australian Defence Force intends to lease 2 Eitans. There’s a good operational concept involved. The Royal Australian Navy and Air Force have been wearing out equipment and budgets on surveillance for a decade or more. Long, expensive missions covering our long, extensive shores, and finding the lucky providers of people smugglers’ incomes in their dangerous, unseaworthy boats needs to be much more cost effective. Eitan is perfectly capable of doing that.
Australia sends Orions all over the Indian Ocean, and surface ships all around then, to home in on the boats. Eitan will save time, money and lives, all in large numbers.


Los países que participan en el A400M han llegado a un acuerdo para repartirse los sobrecostres del desarrollo. El anuncio fue hecho por la ministra de defensa de España, Carme Chacon. El A400M tiene un coste superior a lo proyectado en 5 billones de euros, por problemas de peso y en los motores. Belgica, Francia, Alemania, Luxemburgo, España, Turkia y Reino Unido han pedido 180 A400M en total. Hace seis años Airbus se comprometió a vender los aviones por un precio fijo. Ha habido una división entre los países que quieren un desarrollo rápido del avion (Reino Unido y Francia) y aquellos que prefieren proceder mas lentamente, como Alemania. El A400M, sustituirá a gran parte de la flota de transportes militares existentes en Europa. Su entrada en servicio estaba prevista el año pasado, pero actualmente está previsto que esto no se produzca antes de 2012. El retraso, llevó a Sudáfrica a cancelar su pedido.
European governments have reached an agreement on sharing the costs of the over-budget A400M military transport plane.Spanish Defence Minister Carme Chacon said that the seven countries involved and the planemaker EADS, owner of Airbus, had reached an agreement. The A400M is 5bn euros ($7.25bn; £4.5bn) over its initial budget as a result of weight and engine problems.The announcement came at a meeting of European Union defence ministers in Majorca. "I am able to tell you with great satisfaction that we have reached an agreement in principle," Mrs Chacon said.
But an EADS spokesman told the BBC that "this doesn't seem like a big breakthrough to me" because of all the details that still need to be agreed. A spokesman for the UK's Ministry of Defence said he expected a joint statement from all involved by Thursday afternoon. "We are waiting for all the partner nations to agree on a single statement" before commenting, he told the BBC.
Airbus chief executive Tom Enders had told the BBC the company would consider ending the programme if European governments failed to provide more money.
Seven countries - Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Spain, Turkey and the UK - have ordered 180 A400M aircraft in total between them.
Under contracts signed ahead of the start of the programme six years ago, Airbus has agreed to sell them the planes for a fixed price.
There had been a split between those countries who want the aircraft built and in use quickly - notably the UK and France - and those who would prefer to proceed more slowly to spread the cost, in particular Germany.
The A400M, which is designed to fly troops and equipment, is supposed to replace ageing military cargo carriers in several European air forces.
It had been due to go into service last year, but will not take to the skies until 2012 at the earliest. The delay led to South Africa cancelling an order for eight planes.


Según el Ejército Alemán, ha presentado ha NHIndustries un informe sobre el helicóptero NH90, remarcando un gran número de deficiencias. El informe dice que su uso y capacidades son "extremadamente limitadas", y que deben utilizar un helicóptero alternativo en un escenario operacional. Las deficiencias identificadas se refieren a su uso en tierra, asientos débiles para transporte de tropas, dimensiones internas limitadas, suelo de fácil dañó, y poca capacidad de utilizar gancho elevador. La Aviación del Ejército Alemán cuenta con ocho NH90 TTH para entrenamiento en Bückeburg, y 70 bajo pedido. En total, Alemania tiene previsto comprar 122 en total, unos 50 son para la Fuerza Aérea.
According a report by Defense News says that the German Army has presented a “damning assessment” of NHIndustries' NH90 helicopter, highlighting a “range of deficiencies”. The 103-page report, compiled by the Army’s Luftlande und Lufttransportschule (Airborne and Air Transport School) to assess the helicopter's operational capability, says that its use is “extremely limited” and that alternative aircraft should be used “whenever possible in an operational scenario”.
Problems identified include limited ground clearance, seats not strong enough to accommodate troops, limited internal dimensions, easily damaged floor and insufficient winch capacity. The German Army Aviation has eight NH90 TTHs in service with Training Group A at Bückeburg, one in storage and another 70 on order. In total the German military has ordered 122, with the balance to be operated by the Luftwaffe (German Air Force) at a total cost of around €4.6 billion.

Feb 24, 2010


Hornet de RAAF, aterrizaron en Nellis, Nevada, para tomar parte en el ‘Red Flag’, el ejercicio mas avanzado de entrenamiento de combate a nivel internacional. Se inició el 21 de Febrero y tiene dos semanas de duración. Los 8 F/A-18 Hornet desplazados proceden del 77 Squadron, Williamtown, y han sido apoyados por un C-17 del 36 Squadron, Amberley, y un C-130 Hercules del 37 Squadron. El ejercicio se lleva a cabo en Nellis, Nevada, al norte de Las Vegas.
Por otra parte, según, la fuerza aérea con que cuenta Australia, es la menor en número de los últimos tiempos, debido al reducido número de aviones de combate disponibles. Al menos el 75% de la flota ha sido paralizada debido a mantenimiento y modernizaciones. Tan solo unos pocos pueden ser enviados a misiones de combate debido a la escasa protección electrónica de que disponen para protegerse de las modernas defensas actuales.
Tan solo 21 de los 71 F/A-18 Hornet están disponibles, a los que hay que sumar 15 F-111, los cuales ya ha reanudado las operaciones, tras su paralización tras el incidente sufrido por uno de ellos en una exhibición, lo que ha motivado que se acelere su proceso de sustitución por 26 F/A-18 Super Hornet. Los Hornet de la RAAF fueron ensamblados en Australia en los 80, y está previsto que se mantengan en servicio hasta 2018, fecha en que serán sustituidos por el Joint Strike Fighter.
Australian Air Force aircraft have touched down at Nellis Air Force Base in the United States, ahead of the major multinational ‘Exercise Red Flag’.
Exercise Red Flag is the United States Air Force’s most advanced international air combat training activity. It commenced on Sunday, 21 February 2010 and will run for two weeks.Around 160 Air Force personnel have deployed, along with eight F/A-18 Hornets from Number 77 Squadron at Williamtown, NSW, supported by a No 36 Squadron C-17 Globemaster from Amberley, Qld, and a No 37 Squadron C-130 Hercules from Richmond, NSW. The exercise is conducted on the 24,000km² Nevada Test and Training Range, north of Las Vegas. It will comprise aircrews flying a variety of mission types against opposing ‘aggressor’ fighter aircraft and extensive simulated surface-to-air threats. Commander Air Combat Group, Air Commodore Mel Hupfeld, said, “Red Flag provides invaluable training for our logistics, support and maintenance personnel, as they are able to practice deploying to another country and working together with other air forces”.
On the other hand, according the nation's air combat force has withered to its smallest size in a generation, with less than half of the country's fighter jets available for operations.
At times this year as many as three out of four of the RAAF's 86 fighter jets have been grounded due to maintenance, upgrades or safety concerns. Of those warplanes that are available, only a handful can be sent into combat because they do not yet have sufficient electronic protection to survive against modern air defences.
The Weekend Australian understands that only 21 of the RAAF's 71 F/A-18 Hornets are currently available, while the 15 ageing F-111 strike bombers were only cleared to fly again last week after being grounded early this month when an in-flight emergency forced a safety review. The parlous state of the frontline air force has added urgency to the arrival of 26 F/A-18 Super Hornets that were purchased for $6 billion.Defence Minister stated that Air force is at all times generating sufficient combat capability to meet government requirements. The government has promised to inject more funds into making defence equipment more battle-ready. It has recently come under pressure to explain why the navy has been unable to put more than one of its six submarines to sea on a regular basis.Defence sources say the F/A-18 Hornet fleet, which is of 1980s vintage, has been hit by maintenance issues, delayed upgrade programs and staffing problems. After a safety review, the F-111 fleet was cleared to fly again on February 19, but the 1960s-vintage strike bomber is due to be retired at the end of the year and is considered unlikely to be given heavy operational requirements from now on. The RAAF's 71 Hornets were designed in the US and assembled in Australia in the 1980s. As a result, they have been subjected to rolling upgrades to their systems and airframes to ensure they can provide effective air defence until the first squadron of new Joint Strike Fighters comes into service in 2018.


Según, la India y Francia están finalizando acuerdo para modernizar los Mirage-2000 de la Fuerza Aéra India (IAF)después de largas negociaciones. Los primeros 4-6 Mirage serán modernizados en Francia, los 50 restantes, lo serán en la India por Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. Este será el segundo gran contrato tras la modernización tras el de los 63 MiG-29 en curso, firmada con Rusia en Marzo de 2008. Será el segundo gran contrato con Francia, después de la construcción de 6 submarinos Scorpene. El alcance de la modernización de los Mirage será muy superior a la que sufren los MiG-29 , superior tecnologicamente y servirá para mantenerlos en vuelo otros 15-20 años. La modernización consiste en nueva aviónica, radar, computadora de misión, pantallas de cristal líquido, visor en el casco del piloto comunicación mediante data link e integración del misil de precisión MICA de combate aéreo. En Marzo, llegará a la India una delegación francesa para ultimar detalles sobre el proyecto, que podría rubricarse por el presidente Nicolas Sarkozy en su proyectada visita a la India en 2010. A mediados de los 80, India adquirió 40 Mirage, con 20 mas en años posteriores. Estos actuaron con éxito en 1999 durante el conflicto de Kargil. La IAF incluso pensó en el Mirage-2000-V para su concurso MMRCA, para dotarse de 126 cazas avanzados, por valor de 10,4 billones de dólares, pero se desestimó al ser retirado de la línea de producción. El Rafale francés, está compitiendo en el MMRCA con el F/A-18 `Super Hornet' (Boeing), el F-16 `Falcon' (Lockheed Martin), el MiG-35 (United Aircraft Corporation), el Gripen de Saab y el Eurofighter Typhoon . __________________________________________________________________________________
According India and France are now finally close to inking the around Rs 10,000 crore project to upgrade the Mirage-2000 fighter jets in the IAF combat fleet after protracted negotiations. The first four to six IAF Mirages will be upgraded in France, while the rest 50 will equipped with new avionics, weapon and sensor suites to enhance their combat edge by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd in India under transfer of technology in the project. This will be the second such big programme with the upgrade of 63 MiG-29s already underway under a $964 million contract inked with Russia in March 2008. It will also be the second big defence deal to be inked with France after the ongoing Rs 18,798 crore project to construct six Scorpene submarines at Mazagon Docks, which incidentally is running two years behind schedule amid huge cost escalation.
The scope of Mirage upgrade will be much larger than the MiG-29 one, it will be more high-end and it will cost half of the fighter's worth. After the upgrade, the Mirages will serve us for another 15-20 years. The multi-role fighters will be `souped-up' with new avionics, radars, mission computers, glass cockpits, helmet-mounted displays, electronic warfare suites, jam-proof communication with data links, weapon delivery and precision-targeting systems, including the all-weather, fire-and-forget MICA (interception and aerial combat missiles) systems.
A French team will be coming again in early-March to finalise the details.
The inking of the deal could be well be timed with French President Nicolas Sarkozy's proposed visit to India later in the year. The project has been hanging fire for the last few years because the package offered by French companies Dassault Aviation (aircraft manufacturer), Thales (weapons systems integrator) and MBDA (missile supplier) was around 30% higher than what India was ready to pay.
Having first inducted 40 Mirages in the mid-1980s, India had procured over 20 more in later years. With the Mirages successfully conducting `targeted bombings' during the 1999 Kargil conflict, IAF had some years ago even pitched for the advanced Mirage-2000-Vs for its gigantic $10.4-billion project for 126 new medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA). But even as France shut down its Mirage assembly line, the defence ministry also told IAF to go in for `a global tender' for the MMRCA project. Now, the French Rafale is competing with American F/A-18 `Super Hornet' (Boeing) and F-16 `Falcon' (Lockheed Martin), Russian MiG-35 (United Aircraft Corporation), Swedish Gripen (Saab) and Eurofighter Typhoon (consortium of British, German, Spanish and Italian companies) in the hotly-contested MMRCA race.
Faced with a depleting number of fighter squadrons (each has 16 to 18 jets), down to just 32 from a `sanctioned strength' of 39.5, IAF is going for a mix of upgrades and new inductions like Sukhoi-30MKIs to maintain its combat readiness.


Segú los MiG-29N de Malaysia, no serán retirados, como estaba planeado, y se utilizarán al menos por otros cinco años Según el Ministro de Defensa, los anteriores planes eran retirar los aviones y venderlos a países del Tercer Mundo. Debido a la situación económica mundial actual, el gobierno ha retrasado el plan y ha decidido utilzar 10 de los 16 MiG-29N después de hacerles una revisión general. Seis aviones ya habían sido retirados. Los planes para la compra de un nuevo caza han tenido que aplazarse por la desfavorable situación económica. Para la decisión de mantener al MiG-29, se ha tenido en cuenta la opinión del anterior primer ministro, que era contrario a la retirada, tal como explicó en su blog. En junio de 2009, el ministro anunció el plan para retirar a los MiG debido a los altos costes de mantenimiento. Se suponía que los MiG, serían sustituídos por 18 cazas Sukhoi. Los MiG-29 entraron en servicio en Abril de 1995.

According the Malaysian MiG-29N jet fighters will not be grounded as initially planned but will be used for at least another five years Defence Minister said the earlier plan was to decommission the aircraft and sell them to Third World countries. However, after taking into consideration the current economic situation, the Government decided to shelve that plan. It has been decided to continue using 10 of the 16 MiG-29N jet fighters after sending them for repairs and upgrading. Six of the aircraft have already been decommissioned.The plan to purchase new multi-role combat aircraft had to be put on hold because of the unfavourable economic climate presently. It has been taken into account the views of former prime minister, who in his blog said he felt that the MiG jet fighters should be retained. Last June, the ministry had announced a plan to decommission the MiG jets because of costly maintainence and repairs which amounted to some RM260mil annually. They were supposed to be replaced by 18 newly-acquired Sukhoi jets. The MiG jet fighters came into service in April 1995 at a cost of RM1.3bil but required regular maintenance amounting RM10mil each, in addition to engine overhauls at a cost of RM7mil every year.

Feb 22, 2010


Según los tres primeros F/A-18F Super Hornet de un total de 24 para ña Real Fuerza Aérea Australiana han sido entregados. Lo han sido a la Australian Defence Materiel Organisation por la US Defence Materiel Organisation en NAS Lemoore, California. Los tres, con matrícula , A44-202, 203 and 204, fueron examinados por personal del 1 Squadron, RAAF Amberley, basado en Queensland, Australia. Raytheon Australia ha obtenido el contrato de entrenamiento y apoyo para los Super Hornet en Amberley, valorado en 21,5 millones de dólares, con una duración de tres años, y asegurando 25 puestos de trabajo. Raytheon Australia proporcionará el mantenimiento, la logística, simulador, y entrenamiento sobre la electrónica. Los Super Hornets empezarán a llegar a Amberley a finales de Marzo, el resto se entregarán hasta 2011 y sustituirán a los anticuados F-111, que se retirarán en Diciembre.
According the first three F/A-18F Super Hornets of an eventual 24 destined for service with the Royal Australian Air Force have been handed over. They were handed over to the Australian Defence Materiel Organisation by the US Defence Materiel Organisation at Naval Air Station Lemoore in California, USA.
The three Super Hornets, A44-202, 203 and 204, were checked over by personnel from 1 Squadron based at RAAF Amberley in Queensland.
Raytheon Australia has been awarded a Training Support Services Contract to support Super Hornet training at Amberley of $21.5 million over three years, and secures about 25 jobs at RAAF Amberley for that period. Raytheon Australia will provide maintenance, logistics, and training services to support the Super Hornet flight simulators, visual environment maintenance trainers and electronic classrooms.
The first Australian Super Hornets will arrive at Amberley in late March with the rest following through to 2011 and will replace the ageing F-111, which will be retired in December.

Feb 21, 2010


La flota de aeronaves EF-2000 Eurofighter del Ejército del Aire cumplió ayer viernes sus primeras 10.000 horas de vuelo en el transcurso de una misión de entrenamiento en la Base aérea de Morón.El avión Eurofigther, que en el Ejército del Aire tiene la denominación 'C.16', entró en servicio en las Fuerzas Armadas en octubre de 2003. Desde entonces ha permanecido asignado al Ala número 11 y ha operado, sobre todo, desde la Base Aérea de Morón al objeto de cumplimentar su misión primaria como avión de interceptación y Defensa Aérea todo tiempo.En enero de 2008, tuvo lugar uno de los hitos más importantes para el C.16 cuando demostró su completa capacidad operativa para entrar a formar parte del selecto grupo de aviones del Ejército del Aire que vigilan y protegen nuestro espacio aéreo de soberanía nacional durante las 24 horas del día, siete días a la semana. Actualmente el Ala 11 cuenta con dos escuadrones
El Ejército del Aire ha recibido ya 28 aviones Eurofigther y el ritmo de entregas permitirá pronto dotar al Ala-14, ubicada en la Base Aérea de Albacete, con aviones Eurofigther para sustituir a los Mirage F-1, informa el Ejército del Aire, para el que la realización de estas primeras 10.000 horas de vuelo supone la «confirmación del éxito operativo e industrial del programa.

Spanish EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon, reached 10.000 hours flying with Ejército del Aire, during a training mission near Moron Air Base. Eurofigther, ('C.16' for Spanish Air Force), was delivered to Ejército del Aire in 2003 to Ala 11 in Morón as a multirole aircraft. In 2008 was inf QRA duties. Ejército del Aire has received 28 Typhoons, and it will allow to equip Ala-14 very soon, in Albacete Air Base, to replace Mirage F-1.


El desarrollo del renovado OV-10 Bronco, avión contra insurgencia ha sido remitido al concurso LAAR (avión de ataque ligero y de reconocimiento) de la USAF. Boeing anuncia que su avión es una muy buena opción, aunque reconoce que este proyecto no es esencial para ellos, ya que el interés por el relanzamiento del OV-10 vendría de afuera de Estados Unidos. Boeing podría tener un prototipo volando en apenas nueve meses, y además el coste sería muy bajo. Los requerimientos de la USAF son de unos 100 aviiones.
Development of the revived Boeing OV-10 Bronco counter-insurgency aircraft being submitted for the US Air Force's (USAF's) light attack and armed reconnaissance (LAAR) requirement will proceed regardless of the outcome of the competition, company officials said on 3 February. Speaking at the Singapore Air Show , Boeing's vice-president, said that the OV-10X's "best bet" is to win the LAAR competition, but that this is not essential as there has been strong international interest in the programme. "Several countries have got very excited about the type of capability that an OV-10 could bring to their air forces," he said. Boeing could have a flying prototype ready within nine months, but that the real challenge would be costing the low-rate production run of the LAAR programme (the USAF has a requirement for 100 aircraft).

Feb 20, 2010


Según Aviación Militar Sudamericana, el pasado 18 de febrero, la Fuerza Aérea Chilena recibió, el primer Boeing KC-135E, de un total de tres adquiridos. Estas tres aeronaves forman parte del proceso de renovación e incorporación de nuevo material, pudiendo operar para el transporte de personas, cargas y contingentes en operaciones de paz o de apoyo tanto en situaciones de catástrofes, como evacuaciones aeromédicas.
El Boeing KC-135E cuenta con el sistema de reabastecimiento de combustible en vuelo del tipo “flying boom”, compatible con los F-16 y además es capaz de alimentar, con una modificación previa al vuelo, a los F-5E/F Tigre III, con el sistema “hose & drogue”.
El costo de las tres aeronaves es de 40 millones de dólares y permitirá mayor movilidad a la FACh. Posee una gran autonomía de vuelo, pudiendo por ejemplo llegar a Haití sin escalas, además de transportar mecánicos, tripulantes y aviones de combate a la zona donde el país lo requiera.

According Aviación Militar Sudamericana, on Feb. 18 , The Chilean Air Force (FACh)received the first Boeing KC-135E, of three on order. These three aircraft are emmarked under enhancement plans of the Chilean Air Force. Boeing KC-135E has two refuel systems: 'flying boom', for F-16 and 'hose & droque' for F-5E/F Tigre III. The deal is valued in USD 40 million and will allow FACh reach Haiti directly or transport and refuel aircrafts to any place in the country.

Feb 19, 2010


Según el primer escuadrón de JF-17 ha entrado formalmente en servicio con la Fuerza Aérea de Pakistán (PAF), el pasado 16 de febrero. Este hecho está en linea con la determinación de la PAF de afrontar sus futuros retos con confianza y garantías. A esto se suma la fuerte inversión realizada recientemente en aviones cisterna, UAV y aviones de inteligencia AEW&C. Esto provocará que la PAF tenga un proceso de duro entrenamiento para operar e integrar estas nuevas tecnologías. Está previsto que el JF-17 participe proximamente en ejercicios, como el próximo Hi-Mark 2010. El JF-17 Thunder tiene capacidad para realizar un amplio espector de misiones (ofensivas y defensivas). El JF-17 mejorará la capacidad de combate de la PAF y en un futuro será su columna vertebral.
According the first Squadron of JF-17 Thunder formally joined fighter aircraft fleet of Pakistan Air Force on Feb. 16 The induction of JF-17 aircraft is in line with PAF´s resolve to face all challenges with poise and self-confidence. The PAF has invested in the force multipliers like the Air-to-Air refuellers, UAVs and AEW&C aircraft to enhance its capacity and capability to undertake complex operations. These new state-of-the-art inductions make imperative to train hard and prepare well to induct and integrate the new systems professionally and safely. The JF-17 would be put through its paces in the forthcoming Exercise Hi-Mark 2010. The ‘JF-17 Thunder’ has the capability to undertake entire spectrum of offensive as well as defensive missions. By joining the elite ranks of PAF, the JF-17 would not only enhance the combat readiness of PAF but also form its back-bone in future.

Feb 18, 2010


Según, la US Navy ha anunciado un nuevo concurso para un la compra de una nueva flota de helicópteros para uso del presidente de Estados Unidos, esperando evitar los costes excesivos del anterior programa VH-71 y que llevó a su cancelación en Mayo. La lista de requerimientos (RFI), ya ha sido elaborada y las respuestas deben remitirse antes del 3 de marzo. El nuevo helicóptero (program VXX). Se producirían al menos dos versiones del helicóptero (ejecutivo para el presidente y transporte de pasajeros+carga), y el número a construir sería de unos 23-28.
El VH-71 fue un programa controvertido. Sikorsky perdió el concurso ante Lockheed Martin-AgustaWestland, que construiría los helicópteros en tres países distintos (Italia, Reino Unidos y Estados Unidos). Los costes del VH-71 aumentaron exponencialmente tras las medidas a adoptar después de los atentados del 11-S.
Incluso John McCain, criticó a Obama por utilizar un helicóptero mas caro que un 747.
Los helicópteros presidenciales, son volados y mantenidos por el Marine Helicopter Squadron One, HMX-1, con base en Washington.

According, a new competition to build a presidential helicopter fleet was announced Feb. 16 by the U.S. Navy, which hopes to avoid the excessive cost overruns that made the VH-71 helo replacement program politically unpalatable and led to its cancellation in May. The new program is dubbed VXX, for Presidential Vertical Lift Platform(s). A detailed listing of requirements for the new aircraft is given in a 27-page request for information (RfI), which asks interested parties to provide a response by March 3 no longer than five pages. The document makes clear that no solicitation documents exist, but instead it is surveying industry to gather information in support of a new analysis of alternatives to replace the existing presidential fleet of VH-3D and VH-60N helicopters.
The new aircraft are intended to begin operating in the 2017 to 2023 time frame, according to the announcement. The VXX program is expected to produce at least two versions of the new helicopter - an executive model to transport the president, members of his family and heads of state, and a passenger-cargo variant to support the president. The RfI instructs interested parties to assume a "total aircraft buy of between 23 and 28 aircraft" - the same number of planned VH-71s.
The VH-71 program was controversial on both supplier and cost grounds. Supports of Connecticut-based Sikorsky were unhappy the company lost to a Lockheed Martin-AgustaWestland team that, while building more components in the United States than Sikorsky, nevertheless based its aircraft on an Italian-designed helicopter manufactured in England and completed in the United States.
Costs for the VH-71 also rose exponentially when a series of new security requirements were imposed after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The Navy bore the brunt of public criticism for the cost growth, although White House security agencies had more to do with changing the requirements.
A final embarrassment took place shortly after President Obama took office in early 2009, when Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., defeated in the presidential contest by Obama, asked him at a public news conference why he was buying a helicopter "that cost more than a 747" airliner. Obama said he didn't know he needed a helicopter that cost so much - perhaps a final death knell for the program.
Although McCain was unable to document his claim, the Pentagon canceled the VH-71 program May 15, beginning a search for a new replacement.
The presidential helicopters are flown and maintained by Marine Helicopter Squadron One, or HMX-1, based in Washington.


Según, Eurofighter se está centrando en India para la venta de su futuro avión de combate (concurso Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA)). Dos Eurofighter Typhoon de la Fuerza Aérea Alemana (Luftwaffe) han sido enviados a Bangalore para tomar parte en las pruebas del proceso de selección sobre Jaisalmer, en el desierto de Rajasthan. Buenas prestaciones en un ambiente caluroso, es uno de los principales criterios de selección.Eurofighter tiene confianza en sus posibilidades, ante la entrada en servicio del Typhoon con la Fuerza Aérea Saudí. El ganador obtendrá un contrato de 126 aviones por unos 11 billones de dólares. También están bajo evaluación el Boeing F/A-18E/F ‘Super Hornet’; el Lockheed Martin F-16IN ‘Super Viper’; el Dassault Rafale; el Mikoyan MiG-35 y el Saab JAS-39 Gripen NG.
A finales de este año, la RAF enviará un escuadrón de Typhoon a la India para participar en el ejercicio‘Indra Dhanush’. Estos ejercicios se realizarán en la fecha aproximada en que será anunciado el ganador del concurso MMRCA.

According, Eurofighter is targeting India for a major sales push this year as the country’s Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) contest reaches its climax.
Two Eurofighter Typhoons from the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) have been dispatched to Bangalore to undertake trials as part of the MMRCA selection procedure over Jaisalmer in the Rajasthan desert. Hot weather performance is a primary consideration of the selection criteria, but Eurofighter is confident of success with the Typhoon now entering service with the Royal Saudi Air Force.
The winner of the MMRCA contest stands to gain a contract for 126 aircraft with a value of around $11 billion. Also under consideration by the Indian Air Force are the Boeing F/A-18E/F ‘Super Hornet’; the Lockheed Martin F-16IN ‘Super Viper’; the Dassault Rafale; the Mikoyan MiG-35 and the Saab JAS-39 Gripen NG.
Later in the year the Royal Air Force will send a squadron of Typhoons to India to participate in Exercise ‘Indra Dhanush’, reports the Indian newspaper Business Standard. Taking place during October, the report says that it will be about the time the Indian Ministry of Defence plans to announce the winner of the MMRCA contest.

Feb 17, 2010


Según la Fuerza Aérea Filipina ha hecho un pedido de ocho helicópteros PZL W-3A Sokół a la firma polaca PZL–Świdnik por un valor de unos 48 millones de euros.
El jefe de la Fuerza Aérea dijo que el contrato estaba propuesto desde Mayo, y se espera concretar pronto la compra de tres aviones de transporte ligero junto con la modernización de un C-130H.
According the Phillippine Air Force has ordered eight PZL W-3A Sokół helicopters from Polish firm PZL–Świdnik in a deal worth P3 billion (€48 million).
Air Force chief told that the deal was proposed as long ago as May last year and that three light airlift aircraft and an upgraded C-130H are also being sought.

Feb 16, 2010


AgustaWestland, anuncia la compra por la Marina de Bangladesh Navy de 2 helicópteros navales AW109 Power, que serán utilizados para SAR, y vigilancia de la zona económica, entre otras. Serán entregados en 2011 y podrán operar desde la fragata BNS Bangabandhu. El contrato cubre entrenamiento, la conversión operativa inicial y entrenamiento de mantenimiento. El AW109 Power es un helicóptero de la gama de las 3 tm, ocho plazas, propulsado por 2 Pratt & Whitney PW206C. La cabina puede adaptarse rapidamente a la misión a desarrollar. El AW109 Power es el helicóptero ligero mas vendido para misiones navales. Es capaz de altas velocidades, fiable y dispone de tren reforzado para operaciones en buques, asi como medidas anticorrosión.
AgustaWestland, announced the award of a contract by the Bangladesh Navy for two AW109 Power maritime helicopters. The helicopters will be used for a wide range of naval missions including search and rescue, economic zone protection, surface surveillance and maritime security. The aircraft will be delivered in 2011 and will be capable of being operated from the frigate BNS Bangabandhu. The contract also includes a comprehensive training package including VFR/IFR conversion for aircrew, initial operational maritime training using an AW109 Power Level-D flight simulator and training for maintenance engineers. The AW109 Power is a 3 ton class eight seat helicopter powered by two Pratt & Whitney PW206C engines with FADEC. The cabin is designed to be fitted with a number of modular equipment packages for quick and easy conversion between roles. The aircraft's safety features include a fully separated fuel system, dual hydraulic boost system, dual electrical systems and redundant lubrication and cooling systems for the main transmission and engines.
The AW109 Power has established itself as the world's best selling light-twin helicopter for maritime missions. The AW109 Power's superior speed, capacity and productivity combined with reliability and ease of maintenance make it the most cost effective maritime helicopter in its class. For shipboard operations the aircraft has a reinforced-wheeled landing gear and deck mooring points as well as extensive corrosion protection measures. The ability to operate from small ships in high sea state enables the AW109 Power to perform its mission when many others helicopters would be confined to the ship's hangar. Over 550 AW109 Power and AW109 LUH helicopters have been ordered for commercial, parapublic and military applications by customers in almost 50 countries.

Feb 15, 2010


Ecuadorian Air Force (FAE) retired last Feb. 10 MK-89 Strikemaster fleet. These will be replaced be Super Tucanos. Last Jan 24, arrived to BA Manta, two first Super Tucanos, of 24 bought to Brazil. It wass announced that 6 Mirage 50 will be received from Venezuelan Air Force. Retird Strikemaster were 37 years old.

La Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana (FAE) dio de baja el 11/02/2010baja su flota de aeronaves MK-89 Strikemaster, fabricados por la compañía inglesa British Aerospace, para reemplazarlos por los nuevos "Super Tucano" que el gobierno de Ecuador compró a la empresa brasileña EMBRAER.
El comandante general de la FAE, dijo durante una ceremonia especial efectuada en la base aérea de Manta, en el oeste del país, que el gobierno mostró su apoyo a la institución militar con la repotenciación de su flota aérea. El pasado 24 de enero, llegaron a Manta los primeros dos aviones Super Tucano, de una flotilla de 24, comprados a Brasil.
En la misma ceremonia, que conmemoró los 15 años del derribo de los cazas Sukhoi peruanos durante el conflicto bélico del Cenepa, se anunció también la incorporación a la Fuerza Aérea ecuatoriana de los seis aviones Mirage 50 donados por el gobierno de Venezuela y que empezarán a operar a partir de este miércoles.
Los Strikemaster jubilados acumularon más de 46 mil horas de vuelo y funcionaron durante 37 años.

Feb 12, 2010


Según BAE Systems está ofreciendo el ya fuera de producción BAe 146 como solución a fuerzas armadas afectadas por retrasos en las entregas de aviones de transporte. En Dicicembre, BAE reveló que Titan Airways, compañia charter, había alquilado uno de sus BAe 146 para cumplir con un contrato de 6 meses con el Ministerio de Defensa en Oriente Medio, para vuelos entre las bases británicas en la zona. BAE aspira a estar presente en el mercado militar de aviones de transporte, debido a los continuos retrasos que están sufriendo proyectos como el A400M. Con el BAe 146 se ofrece una solución intermedia: 50% de la carga que puede desplazar un avión de transporte militar al 10% del coste de un avión especializado.
According BAE Systems is offering its out-of-production regional aircraft as a bridging solution for armies and air forces affected by military transport delivery delays. In December, BAE revealed that Titan Airways had leased one of its BAe 146s to fulfil a six-month MoD contract in the Middle East. Titan, a UK-based charter specialist, had been seeking an aircraft to fly "several times a week" between Bahrain, Muscat in Oman and Minhad in the United Arab Emirates, transporting "around 45 passengers" and freight on these sectors. BAE's regional aircraft division is seeking to expand its presence in military markets, because a number of replacement programmes for transport aircraft are running significantly late, and that there may be some opportunities to provide interim capacity. Deployment of an Avro RJ or BAe 146 could allow a military user to "get 50% of the capability of a specialist aeroplane at 10% of the price" when faced with budgetary constraints or technical delays.

Feb 11, 2010


Según, Bangladesh desea comprar un escuadrón de nuevos cazas y ha reanudado los esfuerzos para la compra de un nuevo avión de patrulla marítima. El ministro de Planificación y antiguo jefe de la Fuerza Aérea lo anunció al parlamento. Los planes incluyen la compra de nuevos radares para la defensa aérea y helicópteros para misiones de paz. Las compras se realizaría en 2010. Según fuentes industriales la Armada de Bangladesh emitió el requerimiento por un nuevo avión de patrulla en 2009, después del intento fallido de 2004. El plan obedece a un esfuerzo por modernizar las Fuerza Aéreas. Bangladesh opera unos relativamente antiguos cazas chinos y rusos: Unos 40 Chengdu F-7, Nanchang A-5 y MiG-29.
According Bangladesh has vowed to buy a squadron of new fighters and has resumed efforts to purchase two maritime patrol aircraft. Planning minister A K Khandker, a former chief of air staff at the Bangladesh air force, told the country's parliament that the government plans to buy a squadron of new fighters, plus an air-defence radar system. Khandker says the nation is also in the process of buying two maritime patrol aircraft, as well as two helicopters for peacekeeping missions. The government aims to make all the purchases during the current fiscal year, he adds.
Industry sources say Bangladesh's navy issued the maritime patrol tender in 2009, and note that this follows a previous failed attempt launched in 2004.
The move to buy new fighters is part of a wider effort to modernise the capabilities of the Bangladesh air force. The service operates relatively old Chinese and Russian-sourced equipment, including 40 Chengdu F-7, Nanchang A-5 and RSK MiG-29 fighters, says Flightglobal's MiliCAS database. The Bangladesh air force operates relatively old Chinese and Russian including Mig-29s


Según HAL, reclama a BAE Systems 10 millones de dólares por las dificultades encontradas en el ensamblaje de los Hawk comprados a la firma para la Fuerza Aérea. Según el contrato firmado en 2004, 42 Hawk serían ensamblados por HAL y 24 serían recibidos directamente de BAE. Muchos de las herramientas y equipos suministrados por los británicos tuvo que ser re-adaptado, lo que supuso un retraso en el proceso de ensamblaje, por lo que HAL está reclamando el perjuicio por 10,5 millones de dólares. La compra a BAE se realizó tras dos décadas de negociaciones. En una fuerte señal de disconformidad con la operación, la Fuerza Aérea India, ha emitido un concurso por 57 nuevos entrenadores, que inicialmente iban a ser comprados a BAE.

India is asking British military firm BAE Systems to pay millions of dollars for the troubles it faced in assembling jet trainers bought from the firm. In its demand for compensation, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) cites the difficulties faced in assembling the Hawk advanced jet trainers (AJT) which were bought for the Indian Air Force (IAF). Under the original contract of 2004, 42 of these single-engine aircraft were to be assembled by HAL and 24 to be delivered directly by BAE. Several tools and equipment supplied by the British military firm had to be “reworked”, that delayed the assembling of the aircraft. Because of the “unwanted trouble” that was “not mandated by contractual conditions”, the organisation has now asked BAE to pay it around $10.5 million.
It is unusual for such a compensation to be sought by an Indian firm in a military contract. The contract with BAE took shape after two decades of negotiations. In a strong signal of its unhappiness with the firm, the IAF had last year issued a fresh tender for another global competition to buy a new batch of 57 advanced jet trainers. Originally, these were also to be bought from BAE.


Iraq reclama a Francia 651 millones de euros por el pago de Mirage F1 que no fueron nunca entregados. Una comisión ministerial ha sido recientemente formada para recuperar el importe pagado por adelantado. Iraq utilizaba unos 90 Mirage F1, y firmó un contrato por 24 mas en 1985, pero no fueron entregados debido a las sanciones impuestas por la ONU tras la invasión de Kuwait por Iraq en 1990. La embajada francesa en Iraq no ha dado mucha importancia a la cuestión. En Diciembre de 2009, Francia canceló el 80% de la deuda contraída por Iraq y que rondaba unos 4,8billones de euros.

Iraq is trying to recover a 651 million euro payment to France for a consignment of Mirage F1 fighter planes that were never delivered. A ministerial) committee was recently formed to negotiate with Francethe recovery of 651 million euros paid in advance under the contract to buy Mirage F1 aircraft that the manufacturers never delivered.
Iraq used to own 90 Mirage F1s, and signed a contract with France in September 1985 to buy 24 more of the combat aircraft, but they were not delivered before the UN Security Council imposed sweeping sanctions on Iraq over its 1990 invasion of Kuwait.
A diplomat at the French embassy told AFP that he was looking into the matter, without elaborating. In December, France cancelled 80 percent of the debt it was owed by Iraq, which amounted to around 4.8 billion euros (6.6 billion dollars).

Feb 10, 2010


Según Reuter la USAF emitirá su RFP para su futuro avión de reabastecimiento en vuelo no antes del 23 de febrero.> La USAF anunción que el concurso será completamente abierto. Northrop Grumman Corp y su socio europero EADS gaanaron el concurso en Febrero de 2008, pero el Pentágono lo canceló después la auditoría del gobierno solicitada por el perdedor, Boeing Co. Northrop ha anunciado que no competirá si no se hacen profundas modificaciones en la RFP, que dice estar orientada en favor del mas pequeño Boeing 767. El pasado 8 de febrero, la USAF, dijo que el precio sería fijo para los cuatro aviones de desarrollo y los 175 de producción, con 15 aviones por año. El ganador debería ser anunciado en el último trimestre del año fiscal 2010, que finaliza el 30 de septiembre de 2010. La competición excluirá a proveedores extranjeros, debido al secreto de algunas de las informaciones del concurso. La postura de Northrop no ha cambiado, ya que piensa que la estructura del concurso no ha cambiado sustancialmente y no va a poder responder, aunque examinará la propuesta y espera " que los competidores puedan competir en condiciones de igualdad."

According Reuter US Air Force sees tanker rules out after Feb. 23 The U.S. Air Force plans to issue final terms soon, but not before Feb. 23, for bids on a multibillion-dollar contract to build aircraft-refueling tankers.
"This acquisition will be a full and open, best value competition," the Air Force said in a pre-solicitation notice posted on Monday on the federal business opportunities website. Northrop Grumman Corp and its European partner EADS won a projected $35 billion contract in February 2008 to build the mid-air refueling tankers for the Air Force, but the Pentagon canceled the contract after government auditors upheld a protest by losing bidder Boeing Co. Northrop has said it will not bid in the current competition unless the Air Force makes significant changes to a draft request for proposals (RFP) released last September that Northrop says is skewed to favor Boeing's smaller 767 tanker. On Monday, the Air Force said it planned to issue a fixed-price type contract for development of a new aerial refueling tanker, including four developmental aircraft and options for up to 175 production planes, based on existing commercial designs, at a rate of about 15 planes per year. It said proposals would be due 75 days from the date of the final request for proposals, and a winner would be chosen in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2010, which ends Sept. 30.It said the competition would exclude an award to a foreign prime contractor, "based on the required access to restricted information during contract performance." Northrop said its position had not changed. "Northrop Grumman feels that the current draft RFP, as structured, fails the test of true competition and, without meaningful changes, is not an RFP to which Northrop Grumman can respond," said spokesman. He said the company would examine the final RFP when it was released in the coming weeks, and hoped it would be structured in such a way that allowed "both competitors to believe they can compete fairly and win."

Feb 9, 2010


Según Fligh International, Taiwan ha firmado un contrato por tres helicópteros Eurocopter EC225 para SAR para su Fuerza Aérea.. Los EC225 han sido utilizados en gran número de misiones humanitarias en catátrofes naturales. El EC225 es la versión civil del Eurocopter EC725 Super Cougar, helicóptero de transporte táctico y CSAR. La confirmación de la compra llega menos de dos semanas después de que se anunciaran los planes de Estados Unidos de vender a Taiwán 60 Sikorsky UH-60M Black Hawk. Pekín ha amenazado con sanciones a las empresas norteamericanas si el congreso de Estados Unidos aprueba finalmente la transacción.

According Fligh International Taiwan has signed a contract for three Eurocopter EC225 search and rescue helicopters, with sources confirming that the aircraft are intended for use by the state's air force.
Following an international tender, Eurocopter has been selected by Taiwan for the purchase of three EC225 civil helicopters, which will be used for search and rescue missions. Eurocopter has not specified which organisation will be using the new helicopters, but an official in Taiwan's defence ministry confirms that the aircraft will be flown by the island's air force. EC225 helicopters have been widely used for humanitarian operations where they have proven their worth in life-saving missions after natural catastrophes. The EC225 is the civil version of Eurocopter's EC725 Super Cougar, which is a military tactical transport and combat search-and-rescue helicopter. Confirmation of the deal comes less than two weeks after the US announced plans to sell to Taiwan 60 Sikorsky UH-60M Black Hawk utility helicopters worth $3.1 billion. Beijing has threatened US companies with economic sanctions if the transaction is approved by US Congress.


Aunque es un arma mayoritariamente provista de Eurocopter (seis Bö-105 y un Helibrás 355) más un BAe (y otro en reserva), dos Beech T-34C1, un Bell 47G3, un Beech B-200T, y un S-2G Tracker en reserva, el vuelo del postrero Westland Wessex castrense fue la tónica imperante el 7 de febrero, en ocasión de festejarse los 85 años de la creación de la Aviación Naval Uruguaya (ANU). Hoy, los aeronavales uruguayos, al igual que toda la aviación militar, ven sus recursos materiales acotados y desfasados, en momentos en los cuales el Uruguay reclama un incremento de su soberanía marítima referenciado a su plataforma continental, de unas 350 millas náuticas zona económica.
Uruguayan Navy (ANU) consist of 6 Bö-105 and an Helibrás 355, two Beech T-34C1, 1 Bell 47G3, 1 Beech B-200T, and an S-2G Tracker, and a Westland Wessex that flew last Feb. 7, to commemorate 85 years of uruguayan navy. Both Uruguayan Navy and Uruguayan Air Force have scarce resources, in a momment that Uruaguay is claiming for increase its territorial waters to 350 miles.


Según, Boeing ha entregado a Corea del Sur, el primero de cuatro B-737 AEW&C de alerta y control para modificaciones antes de la entrega formal.
La Fuerza Aérea de Corea del Sur (ROK Air Force), planea crear un ala de reconocimiento táctico, integrada por estos aviones, en 2012, bajo un contrato de 1,6 billones de dólares firmado en Noviembre de 2006. El avión voló desde la factoría de Boeing en Seattle, hasta la planta de KAI en Sacheon, el 4 de Febrero. KAI equipará a los B737 con el Radar Northrop Grumman L-band Multi-Role Electronically Scanned Array (MESA), dentro de las contraprestaciones recibidas por el contrato. Una ceremonia de recibimiento se celebrará en Sacheon el 9 de Febrero. El B737 AEW&C es parte del esfuerzo realizado por Corea del Sur por conseguir independencia en el campo de vigilancia y reconocimiento, labor que ahora desempeña Estados Unidos desde su base de Okinawa, en Japón. Los B737 AEW, detectarán intrusos y posibles amenazas en el espacio aéreo, y trasladarán la información a la Fuerza Aéra para su intecptación. El B737 AEW&C dispone de seis consolas de misión, puede volar a una altura de hast 41.000 pies, a una velocidad máxima de 340 nudos.

According, Boeing has delivered the first of four planned 737 airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft to South Korea for modifications ahead of a final handover to the Republic of Korea.
The ROK Air Force plans to create a tactical reconnaissance wing led by the 737 AEW&C aircraft by 2012, under a $1.6 billion contract signed in November 2006, Boeing IDS is to deliver four 737 AEW&C "Peace Eye" aircraft to South Korea by 2012.
The first 737 plane flew from a Boeing facility in Seattle to a Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) facility in Sacheon, on Feb. 4. KAI will equip the 737 airplane with Northrop Grumman's L-band Multi-Role Electronically Scanned Array (MESA) radar. The modification work is part of offset deals from the AEW&C contract.
A ceremony to mark the beginning of the modification work here is to be held at the Sacheon facility Feb. 9. The 737 AEW&C aircraft is a core part in South Korea's pursuit of achieving independent intelligent gathering, surveillance and reconnaissance capability to prepare for the transition of wartime operational control from the U.S. to South Korea in 2012, as the nation heavily relies on U.S. reconnaissance aircraft based in Okinawa, Japan. In case of an emergency, the Peace Eye aircraft will orchestrate air assets flown by ROK airmen by detecting and identifying airborne objects, determining their coordinates and flight path data, and transferring the information to commanders. The planes will play the role of an aerial command-and-control center in guiding fighter-interceptors and tactical air force aircraft to combat areas to attack ground targets at low altitudes.
The 737 AEW&C has six common console stations for the mission crew and boasts of its commonality with commercial airline fleets for flexibility and support. The aircraft can fly at a maximum altitude of 41,000 feet and top speed of 340 knots.

Feb 8, 2010


Según, Iran ha probado con éxito, el prototipo del primer UAV con características stealth de construcción local, según un portavoz de la Fuerza Aérea. Los datos obtenidos del vuelo fueron favorabales, y el modelo ha recibido el nombre de Sofreh Mahi, (Manta Ray en inglés). Según el portavoz, la producción comenzará tras un exhaustivo proeceso de ensayos.

According, Iran has successfully tested the prototype of its first domestically-built stealth drone, a senior Air Force commander said Sunday. He said data from the test-flight had been favorable and the Air Force will move forward with its plans for the drone, called Sofreh Mahi, meaning Manta Ray in English, Fars News Agency reported.
Brig. Gen. Nasirzadeh, however, explained that the production process will not be rushed as such complex systems need thorough analysis and exhaustive testing.

Feb 6, 2010


Según Reuters, Albania va a adquirir 5 Eurocopters AS532 COUGAR por 78 millones de Euros para modernizar su flota a los standard de la OTAN, a la que se unió en Abril de 2009. El parlamento aprobará la compra el próximo once de febrero, urgido por el ministro de Defensa, que solicitó la compra para sustituir a la anticuada flota actual de helicópteros de fabricación soviética y China y que data de los años 60 y 70. Según medios oficiales, la aprobación de la compra es indispensable, debido a la importancia de la flota de helicópteros para las Fuerzas Armadas Albanesas, y es una de la compras mas importantes realizadas en los úlitmos años. El AS 532 AL Cougar es una versión militar del Super PUMA, para uso como transporte, SAR, y transporte VIP.
La flota albanesa se compone de helicópteros de fabricación China y Soviética fabricados en los años 1965-1970, y están limitados técnica y operacionalmente, así como anticuados, no pudiendo volar de noche, ni operar conjuntamente con otras fuerzas de la OTAN. En 2005, fue paralizada la flota de MIG y MIG 21, estando en un futuro la Fuerza Aérea Albanesa compuesta por un gran número de helicópteros, que es lo que mejor se adapta a la montañosa orografía de la zona.

According Reuters, Albania is going to buy 5 Eurocopters AS532 COUGAR for 78 mln euros over four years to upgrade its fleet to the standards of NATO, which it joined in April last year. Parliament is set to approve the contract late on Thursday after the Defence Ministry asked that it speed up the approval to replace its Soviet and Chinese-made helicopter fleet that dates back to the 1960s. According officials, "The approval of this contract by parliament is absolutely indispensable because the helicopter fleet is an important asset at the national level," the government asked parliament in a report seen by Reuters. "For the armed forces, this will be probably for a long time the project of the biggest financial value."
AS 532 AL Cougar is one of the military versions of the Super PUMA helicopters, for use in its military, search and rescue operations and the transport of VIPs.
Albania's fleet consists of Soviet and Chinese single-engine helicopters produced in 1965-1970 that have limited operational and technical qualities, cannot fly at night and cannot operate with NATO forces.
As soon as the ruling Democratic Party of Prime Minister Sali Berisha came to power in 2005, it grounded the air force's fleet of airplanes, including the cigar-shaped MIG 19 and MIG 21 fighter jets. Albania's future air fleet is largely to consist of helicopters because they are suitable to its mountainous terrain.

Feb 5, 2010


Corea del Sur cederá ocho A-37B Dragonfly a Perú, en un intento de fortalecer lazos miitares con Latinoamérica. Perú había venido mostrando interés sobre estos aviones, que la Fuerza Aérea Surcoreana retiró por falta de presupuesto en su mantenimiento. La entrega se producirá el Jueves 11 de febrero, en la Base Aérea Las Palmas,cerca de Lima. El A-37B Dragonfly fué muy utilizado por la USAF en la guerra de Vietnam. Corea del Sur los adquirió en los 70, y los retiró en 2007.

South Korea will supply eight ageing, ground-attack aircraft free to Peru to try to encourage arms deals with Central and South American nations. Peru had been showing interest in the A-37B Dragonfly jets which the South Korean Air Force grounded due to maintenance budget shortfalls. The handover ceremony was to be held later Thursday at Peru's Las Palmas Air Base near the capital Lima. The Cessna A-37B Dragonfly was used mainly in the Vietnam War as a ground attack aircraft. South Korea bought the planes from the United States during the 1970s but retired all 20 of them in 2007.

Feb 4, 2010


Según RiaNovosti, la corporación aeronáutica rusa Irkut venderá seis aviones Yak-130 a Libia El contrato, suscrito con la participación del grupo Rosoboronexport, prevé la entrega de dos aviones en 2011, y los cuatro restantes en 2012. El Yak-130 es un caza de instrucción y combate desarrollado por Yakovlev, una oficina de diseño integrada en la corporación Irkut. Es el primer avión construido desde cero en Rusia después de la desintegración de la URSS. Cuesta casi 15 millones de dólares.Algunos componentes de esta máquina se fabrican en Nizhny Nóvgorod pero la producción en serie se lleva a cabo en la ciudad de Irkutsk, en Siberia Oriental.

According RiaNovosti, Irkut Russian Corporation, has sold 6 Yak-130 training jets to Lybia Agreement was signed with Rosoboronexport cooperation. Deliveries are expected for 2011 and 2012.Yak-130 is and advanced training jet developed by Yakovlev, integrated in Irkut Corp. It is first jet built in Russia after URSS disintegration. Stimated cost is about 15 million USD. Yak-130 is built in Nizhny Nóvgorod and Irkutsk, Eastern Siberia.


Según Flight Global, Boeing se está dirigiendo al mercado de Asia-Pacifico para continuar el crecimiento de ventas del C-17, cuya producción finalizaría en 2012, si no hay órdenes adicionales.
Con Singapur, Malaysia, Japón y Corea del Sur como clientes potenciales, Boeing ha propuesto establecer un consorcio para operarlo similar al que tienen algunos países de la OTAN y Suecia, que comparten aviones basados en Papa, Hungría. Un intento de Airbus con el A400M, en esta dirección fracasó anteriormente.
Boeing también está buscando nuevas configuraciones para el C-17, para adaptarlo a otras misiones diferentes a la del transporte estratégico, como vigilancia y patrulla marítima o integrar pods de reabastecimiento en vuelo.
La producción del C-17 ha continuado a pesar de la pérdida de apoyo financiero de la USAF. El Congreso aprobó fondos adicionales, y se han recibido pedidos de clientes extranjeros.
Boeing has targeted the Asia-Pacific market as it seeks a variety of creative ways to continue extending C-17 production after the last aircraft now on order is delivered in September 2012.
With Singapore, Malaysia, Japan and South Korea among potential buyers, Boeing has proposed establishing a consortium modelled on the joint acquisition of two C-17s by NATO and Sweden, which share the aircraft based at Papa air base in Hungary.
The concept could prove more challenging in Asia, where a similar attempt by the Airbus A400M programme ended in failure.
Boeing also is seeking to adapt the C-17 to perform roles besides strategic and tactical airlift and is studying options that include adding a surveillance suite for maritime patrol, or integrating refuelling pods to also serve as a tanker.
The C-17 production programme has continued despite losing US Air Force funding support in the 2007 budget. Congress has added funds to the Department of Defense budget, and a host of foreign governments have placed orders.


Dos motores GE J-85 robados meses atrás entre un efectivo de la Fuerza Aérea de Malasia y un empresario local, que habían sido inicialmente enviados Argentina, pasando por otro país asiático, fueron encontrados en las instalaciones de la Zona Franca Florida, ubicada a 98 kilómetros al centro de Montevideo. Las actuaciones corren por cuenta de la Dirección Nacional de Aduanas y el Poder Judicial, mientras la FAU sigue con atención el tema. Como dato curioso, el propietario del enclave, Luis Calachi, hace tres años en gravísimos problemas con el fisco, es también titular de una serie de radios oficialistas, entre ellas la popular FM "M-24", desde donde se dirigió buena parte de la campaña política del presidente electo José Mujica. Quince años atrás fue esta zona franca la primera en Iberoamérica en ensamblar un helicóptero Kamov 32, el cual, después de levantar una torre telefónica promocionalmente en Punta del Este, abandonó Uruguay tan misteriosamente como había llegado.
Por los potenciales clientes de estos motores, países embargados por Estados Unidos como Venezuela o Irán, el valor de estos motores podría haber aumentado su cotización habitual a límites poco usuales. ________________________________________________________________________________
According two GE J-85 engines stolen form stocks from Malaysian F-5, have been found in Uruguayan frank zone Zona Franca Florida (douane), 98 km. from Montevideo. The owner of the zone, is owner of some radio stations that support elected president José Mujica. Fifteen years ago, was built in the same zone a KA-32 helicopter, then disappeared misteriously. Potential customers of these engines could be arms embargoed countries as Venezuela or Iran, so they could be very valuable.


El Ministerio del Interior español ha firmado el contrato de adquisición de doce helicópteros Eurocopter EC135 P2i.
Seis de los aparatos irán destinados, en configuración IFR policial, a la Policía Nacional y los otros seis se integrarán a la flota del Servicio Aéreo de la Guardia Civil, uno de ellos adaptado para servicio de rescate en montaña.
Cuatro las doce unidades serán entregadas en 2010, cuatro en 2011 y el resto en 2012 Tanto la Policía Nacional como la Guardia Civil disponen actualmente en sus flotas respectivas de siete helicópteros EC135. A estos catorce aparatos actualmente en servicio se sumarán los doce ahora adquiridos y, mediante la firma futuros contratos, se alcanzará un total de 51 aparatos EC135, con los que se completaría el plan de modernización de flota de los Cuerpos y Fuerzas de Seguridad del Estado.
Estos helicópteros se fabricarán en España, en la planta de Eurocopter en Albacete.

According Spanish Ministry of Interior and Eurocopter have reached an agreement for 12 EC135 P2 Helicopters. Half of them will be for 'Policía Nacional'(Spanish Police), and half for 'Servicio Aéreo de la Guardia Civil' (Guardia Civil Air Service), one of them for mountain SAR.
Deliveries are scheduled in 2010 (4), 2011 (4) and 2012 (4).Both 'Policía Nacional' and 'Guardia Civil' have seven in their inventory (7+7). They will be followed by 12, after the agreement, and is expected a total of 51. to finish the enhancement plant for Spanish Security and Safety Corps. The helicopters are to be built in Eurocopter's plant in Spain, locate in Albacete, near BA Los Llanos, home of 'Ejercito del Aire' Ala 14.