
May 12, 2010

Alemania vuelve a operar con UAV en Afganistán/German ISAF troops resume UAV flight trials after taxiing incident

El ejército alemán ha reiniciado las misiones con el avión no tripulado Heron 1, tras el incidente sufrido en el aterrizaje del primer vuelo, en el que chocó con un C-160.
Despite having been deployed to Afghanistan since 17 March, the German Armed Forces‘ newest reconnaissance asset, the Heron 1 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), has only had a few opportunities to take a glimpse of the country from above,primarily due to a minor incident at the end of the unmanned aircraft’s first flight: after completing a successful flight and landing, the taxiing Heron collided for, so far, undisclosed reasons with a parking C-160 transport aircraft, damaging both aircraft. Since 29 April, the German ISAF troops resumed flight operations with the Heron

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