
May 11, 2010

Israel pedirá información sobre futuro entrenador en Junio/Israel to issue jet trainer request for information in June

Israel emitirá un requerimiento de información en junio para un nuevo avión de entrenamiento para su fuerza aérea. Ejecutivos de Alenia Aermacchi y Korea Aerospace Industries han visitado el país recientemente donde se han reunido con altos funcionarios del Ministerio de Defensa.
Israel Aerospace Industries y Elbit Systems están en conversaciones para una joint venture, mediante la cual comprarían el avión seleccionado y venderían las horas de vuelo a la Fuerza Aérea.
Israel está considerando el Alenia Aermacchi M-346 y el KAI T-50 como potenciales sustitutos de lso Douglas A-4 Skyhawk utilizados actualmente.
Israel's defence ministry is expected to issue a request for information for a new fleet of advanced jet trainers in June.
Officials from Alenia Aermacchi and Korea Aerospace Industries have recently visited the country and met Israeli air force, defence ministry and industry representatives.
Meanwhile, Israel Aerospace Industries and Elbit Systems are in advanced negotiations over a proposed joint venture that would see the companies buy the selected aircraft and sell flight hours to the air force.
Israel's air force is considering the Alenia Aermacchi M-346 and KAI T-50 as potential replacements for the Douglas A-4 Skyhawks used at its flight academy.
IAI and Elbit are also talking to the potential suppliers ahead of a selection. Sources say their joint venture may also include assembly of the selected trainer in Israel, in addition to the installation of locally made avionics equipment.

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