
Oct 5, 2010

Primer vuelo de un C-130J de la Fuerza Aérea India/India/Lockheed flies India's first C-130J

El primer avión militar de la India construído en Estados Unidos, un C-130J, ha realizado su primer vuelo, en la planta de Lockheed Martin en Marietta, Georgia, el 4 de Octubre.
Es el primero de un total de seis que la India contrató en 2007. Está equipado con sonda de reabstecimiento en vuelo, FLIR, y torre de sensores por infrarrojos.
La India espera cerrar en breve la compra de 10 Boeing C-17 de transporte estratégico. El fabricante, Boeing, ya ha firmado la venta de ocho P-8I de patrulla marítima.
India's first US-built military transport has made its debut flight, with the Lockheed Martin C-130J having taken to the air from Marietta, Georgia on 4 October.
The first of six stretched-fuselage Hercules on order for the Indian air force, aircraft KC-3801 will be followed by two more examples getting airborne "within the next few weeks", Lockheed says.
New Delhi signed a contract for its new tactical transports in 2007. The aircraft will feature equipment including an in-flight refuelling probe and a FLIR Systems AAQ-22 Star Safire III electro-optical/infrared sensor turret.
The Indian air force is also hoping to close a deal later this year for a proposed fleet of 10 Boeing C-17 strategic transports. The manufacturer has already signed a contract to equip the Indian navy with eight of its Boeing 737-based P-8I maritime patrol aircraft.

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