
Nov 7, 2010

El Eurofighter vence concurso que dotará a India de 126 nuevos cazas/ UK closes in on $11bn fighter deal

Según el británico Daily Telegraph el Typhoon vencerá el concurso que ha convocado India para dotarse de 126 nuevos cazas por un importe de 5.000 millones de dólares.
Al parecer sus características técnicas han sido consideradas superiores a las de sus rivales: El F-16, el F- 18s, el MiG 35 y el Dassault Rafale.
El ministro de Defensa de la India también habria dado su aprobación.
Si finalmente se confirma, EADS abriría una planta en India.
Los países fabricantes, Reino Unido, Alemania, Italia y España están haciendo una activa campaña diplomática para ganar el concurso, y seguirán con la presión en la próxima reunión del G20.
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The European-made Typhoon fighter is winning the fight for the $11.5bn (£7.1bn) contract to supply 126 fighters to the Indian Air Force in a deal worth $5 billion.
The multi-role combat aircraft, has come top in the Indian Air Force's technical assessment of rival bids, beating the American F16 and F18s, the Russian MiG 35 and its closest rival, the French Dassault Rafale.
If the Typhoon clinches the deal, India would become the consortium's third-largest customer and an unofficial "fifth partner" in the project. Thousands of new jobs would also be created in India, including a new EADS avionics plant.
Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain are waging a joint diplomatic campaign to support the Typhoon bid, with the leaders of all four countries expected to raise the issue in meetings with India's prime minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, at next week's G20 meeting in Seoul. David Cameron is expected to lobby Dr Singh in a bilateral meeting at the summit.
A senior Indian official has told The Sunday Telegraph that its air force's technical findings have been forwarded to the defence ministry, where a final decision is expected to be made in the next few months.
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