
Nov 1, 2010

Reino Unido y Francia firmarán importante acuerdo de cooperación militar/ Britain and France to sign defence co-operation treaties

Cameron y el presidente francés Nicolas Sarkozy se reunirán en Londres para firmar un tratado defensivo que marcará una nueva era en las relaciones de ambos países.
Ambos países podrían compartir sus portaaviones y buques de aprovisionamiento, la tripulación y el mantenimiento de los A400M, y los futuros aviones A330 cisterna que la RAF poseerá en sistema de leasing.
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Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy will have a meeting in London on Tuesday that will mark the start of a new era of defence cooperation between their two countries.
France and Britain could station warplanes on each other’s aircraft carriers and refuel each other’s planes.
Other areas for cooperation were joint maintenance and staff training for the A400M, built by EADS.
Britain and France have also been discussing Britain’s new fleet of Airbus refuelling planes, amid suggestions that France could sub-let some of the 14 planes, known as Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft.
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