
Jan 6, 2010


La fuerza Aérea Brasileña prefiere al Gripen
Según Reuters la FAB, prefiere comprar como nuevos cazas al Grippen, frente a la preferencia del presidente Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva el Rafale.
Ha habido gran compentencia entre los fabricantes, por un contrato de aproximadamente 4 billones de USD.
Los finalistas del concurso, han sido el Boeing F18 y el Rafale. El gobierno brasileño, informò el año pasado que la decisión estaba próxima a tomar.
Brasil ha firmado con Francia un acuerdo estratégico de defensa por varios billones de dólares, entre lo que se incluye el ensamblaje de helicópteros en Brasil, el desarrollo de submarinos de propulsión nuclear, y transferencia tecnológica como parte de la compra de 36 Rafale, lo que podría incrementar la compra a 100 unidades
El Gripen NG tiene un menor coste de compra y mantenimiento, y el fabricante haría mayores transferencias de tecnología. A diferencia del Rafale, que es un producto acabado, el Gripen NG se desarrollaría con participación brasileña.
Brazil Air Force prefers Swedish jets
According Reuters the Brazilian Air Force would prefer to buy its next-generation fighter jets from Sweden, putting it at odds with President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's preference for French planes.
The deal, which could initially be worth more than $4 billion, has sparked fierce competition among aircraft manufacturers.
An Air Force report presented to Defense Minister Nelson Jobim said Sweden's Saab (SAABb.ST) had presented the best overall project among the three finalists, Folha de Sao Paulo newspaper reported on Tuesday.
The U.S.-made Boeing (BA.N) F18 was runner-up in the report, and France's Dassault Aviation (AVMD.PA) placed last with its Rafale jet.
The Brazilian government said last year that it was in the final stages of talks to acquire the Rafale.
Accused by critics of cutting short the bidding process, the government insisted no final decision had been made. Lula said he would have the final word and that his decision would be political and strategic.
Brazil has signed a strategic defense agreement with France worth billions of dollars, including the local assembly of helicopters and conventional and nuclear-powered submarines.
Brazil is seeking a generous technology transfer offer and local assembly as part of a contract to buy 36 jet fighters. The deal could eventually rise to more than 100 aircraft.
Saab's Gripen NG jet had a lower purchase and maintenance cost and would allow for more technology to be transferred to Brazil, Folha cited the Air Force report as saying.
Unlike the Rafale, which is a finished product, the Gripen NG would be developed with Brazilian participation, the Air Force said according to Folha.
For more than a decade, Brazil has been studying how to replace its aging fleet of fighter jets.

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