
May 23, 2010

Estados Unidos dispone de un Comando de Operaciones Informáticas/USA Cyber Command is official

Al igual que un comando de operaciones aéreas o navales, Estados Unidos dispone ahora de un comando de operaciones cibernéticas, que se encargará de las operaciones de las computadoras militares de la Nación. La central está del U.S. Cyber Command, está en Fort Meade, Md., y está en su fase de capacidad inicial operativa.
Ha sido creado como respuesta a la creciente amenaza procedente del terrorismo internacional y hackers que atacan las redes informáticas, que se produce miles de veces al día. Está dirigido a que Estados Unidos y sus aliados dispongan de libertad de uso del ciberespacio.
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The nascent command charged with operating the nation’s military computer networks is now a reality, the Pentagon has confirmed.
U.S. Cyber Command, a subordinate unit of U.S. Strategic Command, was launched Friday afternoon at Fort Meade, Md., in a status officials called an initial operating capability. The command is expected to be fully operational by October.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates directed the creation of Cyber Command in June 2009 in response to the already significant and growing digital threat from what the command identifies as “foreign actors, terrorists, criminal groups and individual hackers” posed to its information networks, which officials say are probed thousands of times daily.
Cyber Command will “direct the operations and defense of specified Department of Defense information networks and prepare to, when directed, conduct full-spectrum military cyberspace operations in order to enable actions in all domains, ensure U.S./allied freedom of action in cyberspace and deny the same to adversaries.”
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