
Jun 26, 2010

Italia tendrá nuevos buques anfibios/ Italy To Get New Amphibious Ships

La Armada italiana ha recibido la aprobación para la adqusición de dos buques de 20.000 tm de asalto anfibio (LHD), con la posibilidad de un tercero configurado para portaaeronaves (LHA). La primera unidad está prevista para 2014.
Los LHD sustituirán a los buques clase San Giorgio de desembarco (LPD), comisionados en 1987 y 1988. El LHA sustituiría al portaaviones Garibaldi, que actualmente se dedica a misiones anfibias y portahelicópteros, ahora que el portaaeronaves Cavour está en servicio.
Los nuevos LHD medirán 190 metros de eslora y un dique seco para cuatro lanchas de desembarco, con un hangar para seis helicópteros de tipo medio. La cubiera de vuelo tendrá seis puntos de toma y tendrá dos ascensores.
Podrá transportas hasta 760 infantes de marina, además de la dotación del buque, que es de 200 marinos.
The Italian navy has received the go-ahead to procure two 20,000-ton amphibious assault ships (LHDs), with the possibility of a third ship, configured with extensive aviation facilities (LHA).
The preliminary LHD project is funded and will take 12 months for completion. It will be followed by a project definition phase requiring eight months and leading to a contract. Delivery of the first ship comes within 30 months after that. If everything goes to plan, the first LHD arrives in late 2014.
LHDs will replace two 8,000-ton San Giorgio-class LPDs, commissioned in 1987 and 1988. The LHA will eventually replace the carrier Garibaldi, which is being dedicated to amphibious and helicopter roles now that the Cavour carrier is in service.
The new LHDs will be 190 meters (623 ft.) long, feature a well dock that holds four LCACs (landing craft air cushions), and have a hangar with dedicated maintenance area where six medium-heavy helicopters can be recovered. The flight deck will provide six landing spots and be served by two elevators, one at the stern, the other forward of the island. It will thus be possible to launch air-assault operations, lifting a reinforced rifle company with each wave and rapidly moving personnel and equipment to the deck. Helicopter capacity will be 12-15, depending on mix.
Capabilities also include four smaller LCVP (landing craft, vehicle, personnel) vessels and two motorboats, all in dedicated spaces with cranes under the port flight deck.
The LHD can accommodate 760 troops, including an aviation detachment and staff personnel, in addition to a ship’s crew of only 200, a result of shipboard automation.

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