
Jul 3, 2010

Estados Unidos desplegará Misiles SM-3 en Polonia/ SM-3 in Poland between 2015-18

Los misiles SM-3 están diseñados para defensa de un posible ataque iraní
Estados Unidos desplegará misiles SM-3 en Polonia entre 2015 y 2018, despliegue acorde con las intenciones norteamericanas de defender Europa de un posible ataque iraní. Los misiles, están diseñados para interceptar misiles de corto, medio y largo alcance, y son parte de los planes del presidente Obama, que sustituyen a los anteriores del presidente Bush, que pretendía instalar un potente escudo antimisiles.
Rusia se oponía firmemente a este proyecto y proximamente, la secretaria de Estado Norteamericana Hillary Clinton visitará Polonia, donde firmará la modificación del plan anterior.
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SM-3 missiles designed to defend against Iranian attack
The United States will deploy SM-3 interceptor missiles in Poland between 2015 and 2018 under its plan to defend NATO allies in Europe from possible Iranian attack. The interceptors, which target short- and medium-range ballistic missiles, are part of President Barack Obama's revamped missile defence system.
They would replace Bush-era plans for Poland and the Czech Republic to host elements of an ambitious shield to defend against possible long-range attack from Iran.
Russia objected strongly to President George W. Bush's original missile shield plan but has expressed milder concern about the Obama proposals.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is due to visit Krakow, southern Poland, on Saturday where she and Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski will sign an amendment to the 2008 missile shield accord reached with the Bush administration
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