
Oct 12, 2010

Estados Unidos podría vender C-130 Hércules a China/ Obama proposes to sell China C-130s

El presidente norteamericano Barack Obama ha propuesto al Congreso acabar con la suspensión de la licencia de exportación de C-130 a China.
Si finalmente se aprueba, el Hercules sería la primera venta de equipo militar pesado de Estados Unidos a China desde 1989.
Este gesto serviría para propiciar que China revaluara su divisa, el yuan.
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US President Barack Obama has proposed to Congress terminating the suspension of C-130 cargo aircraft export licenses to China, according to a letter published Friday on the White House's website.
If it gets the green light, the C-130 transport aircraft, nicknamed "Hercules," would become the first heavy military equipment that the US has exported to China since 1989.
This proposal, which is regarded by some Chinese analysts as blandishments to China after the US stiffly pressed China to revaluate its yuan, is still subject to review and approval by both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
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