
Oct 3, 2010

Japón rehúsa construir F-15J de reconocimiento/ Japan abandons plan to create reconnaissance version of F-15J

Tokyo ha decidido no seguir adelante con el contrato firmado con Toshiba para modificar el F-15J con capacidad de reconocimiento, y mediante el cual el primer avión se esperaba para el otoño de 2010.
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Tokyo has decided to cancel a contract with Toshiba to modify the F-15J with reconnaissance capabilities.
Toshiba was awarded several contracts, in 2007 and 2008, amounting to 10 billion yen to add optical and infrared cameras to the Eagle. The first aircraft was expected to be delivered around this time.
However, the company requested to delay till 2012 as it has difficulties obtaining clearances for the parts. The Japanese government then decided to abandon the project as it is unlikely for Toshiba to obtain the necessary clearances.
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