
Nov 5, 2010

La Armada de Pakistán recibe nuevos helicópteros y avión de inteligencia/ Pakistan Navy Inducts Z9EC helicopters, EW Jet Aircraft

El segundo lote de cuatro helicópteros antisubmarinos Z9EC, y el primer avión de guerra electrónica entraron formalmente en servicio con la Armada de Pakistán el pasado 04/11/10.
Los helicópteros Z9EC han sido adquiridos a China. El primer lote entró en servicio en 2009, con buenos resultados hasta la fecha. Los helicópteros operan desde las fragatas tipo F-22P, y están equipados con sensores avanzados y torpedos.
El avión de guerra electrónica reforzará las capacidades de la Armada de Pakistán en este campo.
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The second batch of four Z9EC Anti Submarine helicopters, and the first Information and Electronic Warfare Jet aircraft were formally inducted in Pakistan Navy Aviation fleet on Thursday.
The Z9EC helicopters have been acquired from China. The first batch was inducted last year which has been successfully taking part in Naval Air Operations. These helicopters operate from F-22P Frigates. The helicopters are equipped with advanced sensors and torpedoes for undertaking designed role of Anti Submarine Warfare.
The acquisition of IW/EW jet aircraft would add a new dimension to Pakistan Navy’s intelligence gathering capabilities. The aircraft, equipped with modern and sophisticated equipment, is capable of covering larger areas in short time span, and would significantly enhance maritime domain awareness of own area of operations.
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