
Jan 25, 2010


Según The Jakarta Post, la fuerza aérea de Indonesia, planea compran 16 Super Tucano para sustituir los OV-10 Bronco , en servicio hace mas de 30 años en un esfuerzo por mejorar la capacidades de la Fuerza Aérea. Se espera que el gobierno garantice los fondos necesarios.
3 cazas Sukhoi, parte del escuadrón pedido en 2007, llegarán de Rusia este año, habiendo recibido ya 7. Además la Fuerza Aérea opera F-16, F-5 Tiger , y 2 escuadrones de Bae Hawk. Indonesia esta intentando adquirir sistemas de armas proecedente de China, siguiendo a la visita realizada a este país por el primer ministro indonesio en 2005. Indonesia se está volviendo a países del este de Europa, China y latinoamérica, para obtener armamento y reducir así la dependencia de Estados Unidos, que mantiene un embargo de armas a Indonesia, alegando abusos de los derechos humanos pasados en Timor Leste y Aceh.
According The Jakarta Post, the Indonesian Air Force plans to purchase a squadron of 16 Super Tucanoes to replace the OV-10 Bronco aircraft, which have been in service for more than three decades, as an effort to improve the Air Force's weaponry system. It is hoped fund will be granterd by government.
Three more Sukhoi fighter jets, part of a squadron ordered in 2007, would arrive from Russia this year. Seven units of the bombers have already been received by the Air Force. Besides the Sukhoi squadron, the Air Force also has a squadron of US-made F-16 Falcon fighter jets and F-5 Tiger bombers, two squadrons of British-made training Sky-Hawk and Hawk bombing jets. Indonesia is also looking into the possibility of procuring weapon systems, including warplanes from China following Indonesia´s Presiden visit to China in 2005. Indonesia has turned to eastern European countries, China and Latin America to supply military hardware in a bid to reduce its dependence on the United States, which maintains a weapons and military hardware embargo on Indonesia in connection with past military conflicts and alleged human rights abuses in Timor Leste and Aceh.

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