
May 31, 2010

Congreso Americano obligará al Pentágono a considerar las subvenciones recibidas por EADS (KC-X)/U.S. House Passes Amendment on Tanker SubsidiesN

El congreso de Estados Unidos ha aprobado una propuesta que obliga al Pentágono a considerar las subvenciones que recibe EADS en su decisión de futuro avión de reabastecimiento en vuelo (KC-X). Esta enmienda debe ser ratificada en el Senado. Boeing y sus apoyos en el Congreso, han declarado que las subvenciones dan ventaja a EADS.
La Organización Mundial del Comercio dice que Airbus ha recibido subvenciones ilegales para algunos programas, entre ellos para el A330, base del avión cisterna de EADS, a lo que EADS responde que también Boeing ha recibido subvenciones de Estados Unidos.
Respecto a esto tengo una pequeña duda, ¿no venden-donan los Estados Unidos material militar al extranjero a traves del Foreign Military Sales, a coste casi nulo?. ¿No sería esto una forma proteccionismo?
The U.S. House of Representatives passed an amendment the night of May 27 that would require the Department of Defense to consider "any unfair competitive advantage" that a competitor for the Air Force refueling tanker contract may have.
If the amendment passes in the Senate, it would require DoD to take into account subsidies Airbus has received from European governments. Boeing and its supporters in Congress have said those subsidies give EADS and Airbus an unfair advantage. (Boeing)
If the amendment passes in the Senate, it would require DoD to take into account subsidies Airbus has received from European governments. Boeing, competing with EADS for the $35 billion contract, and its supporters in Congress have said those subsidies give EADS and Airbus an unfair advantage in the contest.
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The World Trade Organization (WTO) recently ruled that Airbus received unfair subsidies for some programs, including its A330, the plane that would be the basis for EADS' tanker entry. A counter-claim by the European Union is making its way through the WTO, alleging Boeing has received unfair subsidies from the U.S. government.

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