
May 27, 2010

Australia muy satisfecha del rendimiento de sus Super Hornet/Australia impressed by Super Hornet performance

Veinicuatro F/A-18F sustituirán a los F-111 en servicio con la RAAF. Los retrasos en las entregas del F-35 Joint Strike Fighter forzaron a la RAAF a comprar el Super Hornet como medida transitoria, estando prevista su retirada en 2021, cuando lleguen los F-35. Boeing ha entregado los primeros cinco F/A-18F al 1 Sqn en RAAF Amberley.
A pesar de la corta vida prevista del Super Hornet en la RAAF, los pilotos se han mostrado muy sorprendidos por la robustez y capacidades de la máquina, mayores de lo esperado.
24 F/A-18F will replace the RAAF's General Dynamics F-111.
Delays to the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter in 2004 forced the RAAF to acquire Super Hornets as a stopgap in 2006. But the F/A-18Fs are due to be retired by 2021 as the F-35 is delivered.
Boeing has delivered the first five F/A-18Fs to 1 Sqn at RAAF Amberley.
Despite the Super Hornet's short-term service plan, the multi-role fighter has already surprised the RAAF leadership with its advanced capabilities.
RAAF Commander are surprised because the jet has proven to be more robust and exceeded that thought.

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