
May 5, 2010

Francia bota la primera fragata FREMM/France Launches First European Multi-mission Frigate

Francia ha botado la fragata Aquitaine la primera fragata de nueva generación multi-misión (FREMM) en los astilleros de Lorient. La Aquitaine, es la primera unidad de un programa europeo de construcción de fragatas multi-misión, mide 142 metros de eslora y desplaza 6.000 toneladas. Llevará un helicóptero NH90 y equipamiento sofisticado.
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France launched Aquitaine, the first multi-mission frigate (FREMM) of the new generation made by Europeans on Tuesday in Lorient, a port in western France, where President Nicolas Sarkozy attended the opening ceremony.
As the vessel was purchased by the French Navy, Defense Minister Herve Morin took part in the ceremony accompanying the president as well as the Industry Minister Christian Estrosi, according to a statement released by the Elysee Palace.
Aquitaine, the first product of a European program of building multi-mission frigates, is 142 meters long and of 6,000 tonnages. It will carry an NH90 helicopter and an anti-submarine besides other sophisticated weaponry.
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