
May 3, 2010

Eurofighter advierte al Reino Unido del riesgo económico de no comprar mas Eurofighter/Eurofighter says UK pull-out would hurt Britain

Según el jefe ejecutivo de Eurofighter, el Reino Unidos podría poner en peligro su recuperación económica y miles de empleos, si decide no comprar Eurofighter Typhoon adicionales. Añadió:"Si el Reino Unido no quiere mas aviones, debe acordarlos con los demás socios, y estos decidirán que hacer para ayudarle en lo que ello implique"." Si el Reino Unido no quiere mas aviones habrá un gran impacto económico en Reino Unido, donde 40.000 empleos directos e indirectos proceden de este programa"."
También añadio que el Reino Unido podría recibir grandes beneficios exportando parte de su pedido a otras naciones. Reino Unido, tiene el compromiso de comprar 88 Typhoon de la tercera fase de producción, pero la presión sobre recortes en los presupuestos de defensa pone en peligro este compromiso.
Britain could put its economic recovery and thousands of jobs in jeopardy if it decides not to buy further Eurofighter Typhoon warplanes, the chief executive of Eurofighter said. "If the UK doesn't want any more aircraft it will have to make an agreement with the other nations and then we'll try and help them with the implications" ."If the UK doesn't want any more aircraft ... there would be a very real economic impact -- in Britain there are over 40,000 people employed directly or indirectly on Eurofighter and that would be impacted."
He added that Britain could generate further revenue by exporting some of its allocation to other nations, which would help it maintain stable growth and stimulate the economy. The UK is committed to buying 88 Typhoons from its third production run as part of its membership of the Eurofighter consortium, which also includes Germany, Italy and Spain.
Under pressure to cut defence budgets, Britain last year resisted buying a third batch of Typhoons.

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