Recién incorporado Portugal al proyecto de avión de transporte/ cisterna KC-390, Embraer anuncia que la República Checa se ha unido al programa, firmando una carta de intenciones por la compra de dos unidades y participación en la fabricación. El número de pedidos del KC-390 asciende a 54 unidades por cinco países.
Hot on the heels of the Portuguese government signing an agreement to become involved in the Brazilian KC-390 tanker/transport programme, Embraer says that the Czech Republic has now joined the consortium of partners signing a ‘Declaration of Intent’ at a meeting in Prague with the Brazilian Defence Minister, Nelson Jobim.
The Czech government is interested in buying two aircraft as well as being involved in the manufacture of the aircraft. It brings the total orders for the KC-390 to 54 from five nations.
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