El primer C-130B Hercules modernizado para la Fuerza Aérea de Singapur (RSiAF) ha vuelto al servicio procedente de las instalaciones de ST Aerospace. La modernización alargará la vida útil de los Hércules 20 años.
El primero de diez aviones, tiene una nueva aviónica. La RSAF opera cuatro C-130B, cinco C-130H y un único KC-130H. Todos serán sometidos a modernizaciones en los próximos sieta años. Los C-130B utilizarán la misma planta de potencia auxuliar (APU/ECS) que los C130H
The first modernised C-130B Hercules for the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSiAF) has been returned to front-line service by contractor ST Aerospace. The upgrade is intended to provide an additional 20 years of service life for the RSiAF fleet.
The first of ten aircraft to be upgraded, the modernised C-130 has a new avionics suite. The RSiAF operates four C-130Bs, five C-130Hs and a single KC-130H, all of which will be put through the modernisation process over the next seven years. The C-130Bs will also be upgraded with an Auxiliary Power Unit and Environmental Control System (APU/ECS) to provide commonality with the C130H
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