Las fuerzas armadas alemanas, pretenden retirar sus seis aviones de combate Tornado de Afganistán, para utilizar estos recursos en entrenamiento de las fuerzas de seguridad afganas.
Los seis aviones han sido utilizados para misiones de reconocimiento desde 2007.
La retirada ha sido sugerida por el actual comandante de ISAF, David Petraeus, que reconoce el valioso papel para la coalición de estos aviones, pero recomienda mas esfuerzo en tropas de tierra, ya que la ISAF considera prioritario el formar un verdadero ejército afgano.
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The German army intends to withdraw its six Tornado combat aircraft from Afghanistan, it was reported Saturday. The personnel resources are to be invested in training Afghan security forces instead.
The six fighters have been delivering terrain photos to the international military mission ISAF since 2007.
ISAF commander David Petraeus is reported to have made the suggestion in a letter to Wieker in early August. Petraeus is reported to have said that even though the planes were "valuable reconnaissance tools," in view of the fact that Germany's military commitment was currently limited to 5,350 soldiers, it was better to have more troops on the ground. ISAF currently has "a desperate need for training and advisory units."
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