Rusia entregará el último Su-30MK previsto para Indonesia a finales de Septiembre.
El contrato fue firmado en 2007, por seis Su-30MK. Tres fueron entregados en 2009, y 2 mas el pasado 10 de Septiembre. Indonesia quiere que los cazas participen en el desfile previsto para el próximo cinco de Octubre.
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Russia will make its last delivery to Indonesia as part of a 2007 Su-30MK fighter deal in late September.
The $300 million contract signed in August 2007 stipulated the delivery of six Su-30MK fighter planes. Three aircraft were delivered in 2009, while another two were handed over to Indonesia on September 10.
The Indonesian Air Force wants the fighters to take part in a military parade on October 5.
Three Russian specialists who were helping the Indonesian Air Force assemble the recently delivered Su fighters died at a Sukhoi holding in the Indonesian city of Makassar on Monday in "unexplained circumstances".
The cause of death had yet to be announced but the deaths did not affect the work of other Russian specialists and that work to assemble the Su fighters was being carried out according to schedule.
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