
Sep 23, 2010

Emiratos Arabes Unidos interesado en comprar aviones militares a Brasil/ UAE ready to buy combat aircraft from Brazil

Emiratos Arabes Unidos y Brasil, están negociando un amplio acuerdo de cooperación militar que desembocaría en una compra por parte de los Emiratos de aviones de combate ligero y de transporte a Brasil.
El acuerdo se centraría en la venta de turbohélices Super Tucano y contribución al desarrollo del transporte KC-390.
Brasil se introduciría en este mercado, tras la salida que supuso el fin de la guerra Iran-Iraq en los años ochenta. Brasil fue uno de los principales vendedores de armas al régimen de Saddam Hussein.
La parte central del acuerdo es el avión de transporte KC-390 de Embraer, que podrá transportar hasta 21 toneladas de carga. Los prototipos se esperan para 2014-2015, y saldrá al mercado sobre 2018.
Brasil espera rellenar con este avión el hueco que dejarán los C-130 Hercules, de los cuales Brasil estima que unos 1.500 deberán ser sustituídos entre 2018-2020.
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The UAE and Brazil are crafting a wide-ranging defence cooperation pact that could see the Emirates purchase transport and light combat aircraft from the South American country.
The deal centres on the sale of the light Super Tucano turboprop aircraft and contributions to the development of the KC-390 transport aircraft, as well as training programmes for Emirati and Brazilian officers.
Once the UAE revises the agreement, the Emiratis and Brazilians will collaborate on its specifics.
The deal with the UAE would represent the first significant foray for Brazil into the Gulf since the 1980s, when its defence industry suffered a major setback at the end of the Iran-Iraq War. Brazil was a major arms supplier to Saddam Hussein’s regime at the time.
A centrepiece of the deal is the KC-390, a transport plane made by the Brazilian manufacturer Embraer that can carry 21 tonnes of cargo. Its first two prototypes will be ready in 2014 or 2015, and it will be available on the market by 2018.
Brazil hopes to fill the void that will be left by the 50-year-old C-130 Hercules transport plane. Brazil estimates that 1,500 of the US-made C-130s will need to be retired between 2018 and 2020.
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