Los gabinetes presidenciales de Rusia y Francia han anunciado que un consorcio franco ruso formado por la DCNS y la Russian United Shipbuilding Corporation, construirán dos portahelicópteros para la Armada Rusa basados en la clase Mistral de Francia. Dos buques más se construirán en el futuro.
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Russian President Dmitry Medvedev had a telephone conversation with French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Friday, the Kremlin said. The presidents exchanged New Year greetings.
The two presidential administrations made a joint statement, which reads, “Russian President Dmitry Medvedev informed French President Nicolas Sarkozy that a consortium of the French company DCNS and the Russian United Shipbuilding Corporation won an international tender for the delivery of two helicopter ships to the Russian Defense Ministry announced on October 5.”
Two helicopter ships will be built jointly at first, and another two will be built in the future, the statement said.
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