Tras emitir un requerimiento de información a varios fabricantes el pasado mes de septiembre, el concurso KC-X de Brasil para dotar a su fuerza aérea de un avión de cisterna/transporte, ha tomado un giro inesperado y a pesar de estar prevista la concurrencia de tres competidores, fuentes de Brasil indican que Airbus Military con su A330 será elegido antes de finales de año.
Los actuales B-707 (KC-137), están sufriendo graves problemas técnicos que les impiden participar en misiones humanitarias y maniobras, como las recientes Cruzex V.
También se busca un avión presidencial que sustituya al Airbus A319CJ comprado en 2005, y que es incapaz de realizar vuelos a largas distancias sin escalas.
After issuing a request for proposals in September, the Brazilian air force's KC-X tanker/transport procurement has taken an unexpected turn. Despite having initially forecast the participation of at least three bidders, sources in Brasilia indicate that Airbus Military's A330 multi-role tanker/transport might be selected before the end of the year.
Problems with the service's sole long-range air transport assets were highlighted by its provision of only a small number of relief flights following the earthquake in Haiti early this year. Its KC-137s were then unable to take part in the 23-day Cruzex V exercise that was conducted during November.
However, it was the type's role as a long-range presidential transport that spurred the government to seek a quick replacement. Brazil purchased one Airbus A319CJ in 2005, but this is unable to satisfy seating and range requirements for longer presidential trips.
With an immediate requirement for two tanker/transports and an option for a third, Brazil's KC-X programme calls for one aircraft to be reconfigurable for presidential transport duties.
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