La ciudad de North Pole (Polo Norte), Alaska, ha erigido una señal permanente designada como No. 1 Santa Claus Lane, para marcar la dirección a la que se debe escribir a Papá Noel.
Mediante esta acción, se asegura la continuidad del programa "Cartas a Santa Claus", creado hace 60 años por miembros del 58 escuadrón metereológico.
The city of North Pole, Alaska, with the assistance of the North Pole Economic Development Corporation, has erected a permanent candy cane marker designating "No. 1 Santa Claus Lane" as the address to which letters to Santa should be addressed.
The recent installation of the candy cane marker, along with policy changes, have ended those privacy issues that threatened to cancel the "Letters to Santa" program earlier this year.
"Now 'Santa Claus' or 'Santa's Mail Bag' has a specific location, and it's assured that once a child sends a letter to 1 Santa Claus Lane, we are going to get it," said Gabby Gaborik, a Letters to Santa volunteer.
Letters to Santa, a program created nearly 60 years ago by members of the 58th Weather Reconnaissance Squadron here, provides children from 1 to 92 a way to write to jolly old Saint Nicholas.
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