Ha comenzado la construcción de los dos futuros portaaviones británicos . Los trabajos comenzaron oficialmente en Portsmouth y en seis astilleros mas del Reino Unido. Portsmouth sera la future base de los portaaviones clase Queen Elizabeth.
El primer bloque que construirá BAE Systems Surface Ships en Portsmouth. Medirá 70m de y 40m de ancho, con un consume de 6.000 tm de acero. Esta sección acomodará maquinaria, suministros y alojamientos de la tripulación.
Los dos buques clase Queen Elizabeth Class serán los mas grandes construídos en el Reino Unido.
Construction Begins at Carriers Portsmouth Base Work began today at Portsmouth on the first of two new aircraft carriers. As steel cutting commenced on a section of the hull, Portsmouth became the fifth UK shipyard to start construction on the programme. The naval base will be the future home of both Queen Elizabeth Class carriers.
Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth pushed the button to start the laser cutter and he said that work was beginning in six shipyards across the UK. This is the first of three blocks that BAE Systems Surface Ships will build for the ships in Portsmouth. At 70m long and 40m wide, it will use 6,000 tonnes of steel. It will house space for machinery and supplies as well as switchboards and some accommodation.
The two ships of the Queen Elizabeth Class will be the largest and most powerful warships ever built for the UK
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