El ministerio de defensa británico (MOD), ha firmado un contrato para la fase inicial de desarrollo de su futuro buque de combate, Type 26. El equipo de diseño está encabezado por BAE Systems Surface Ships. Las fragatas Type 26 sustituirán a las Type 22 y Type 23 que dejarán el servicio a finales de la década.
The MOD has signed a contract for the Assessment Phase of the Royal Navy's next generation of warships - the Type 26 combat ship.
A team led by BAE Systems Surface Ships, working with the MOD, will consider design proposals for the Type 26 combat ship, named in recognition of its planned multiple roles.
The Type 26 will replace the Type 22 and 23 frigates, which are to begin leaving service at the end of the decade. The ship will provide support for land operations as well as undertaking other key tasks such as anti-submarine warfare.
BAE Systems has been awarded a four year £127 million contract by the Ministry of Defence (MOD) to take forward the programme to develop the new generation of combat ships for the Royal Navy.
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