Los 48 F-16 de los que dispone Polonia, rara vez vuelan en misiones que no sean de entrenamiento, pero al parecer existen planes para enviarlos a Afganistán, aunque esto no ha sido hecho público por la Fuerza Aérea. Los pilotos ya han comenzado a entrenar rigurosamente como preparación de la partida en 2012.
Poland has 48 F-16 jet fighter planes. Most of them rarely take to the skies outside of routine training.
But in two years, the planes could be heading to Afghanistan according unnamed soldier as a source that says the matter is already settled, just has not yet been announced publicly by Polish army authorities. Pilots at a large Polish Air Force base admit they have already started rigorous training and preparation for the 2012 departure to the war-torn middle-eastern nation, but Polish Air Force officials have yet to confirm this.
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