Pilotos navales de India y China podrían entrenarse en base de Ucrania. Ucrania se está convirtiendo como el punto de entrenamiento mas probable para los futuros aviadores navales de India y China, ya que ambos países están adquiriendo rapidamente las capacidades de construir y operar portaviones. La base de entrenamiento se encuentra en la peninsula de Crimea. La India, ha utilizado portaaviones en los últimos 50 años, y desea utilizar la instalaciones con vistas a la próxima entrada en servicio del recientemente comprado a Rusia “Gorshkov”, cuya entrada en servicio está prevista para 2013. El primer portaaviones chino, estará listo para 2015. India espera poner en servicio su primer portaaviones de construcción nacional en el periodo 2014-15.
India, China pilots may train at Ukraine base
Ukraine is emerging as the likely meeting point for naval aviators from India and China as the two countries try to rapidly acquire the capabilities to build and operate aircraft carriers of the future. A small aircraft carrier training base on the Crimean peninsula in Ukraine is the most sought after training facility for both countries that are planning to induct modern aircraft carriers in the next five years.
India, has been operating aircraft carriers for the past 50 years, and wants to use the Nitka Research Test and Flying Centre to train its pilots during 2012-1013 in the run-up to the Gorshkov aircraft carrier induction, Beijing is already making overtures to Ukraine for using the facility to train its aviators for carrier-borne operations.
China’s first aircraft carrier, is set to roll out and get into service by 2015. India, on the other hand, expects to get its indigenous aircraft carrier by 2014-15, in addition to the Gorshkov in 2013.
With carrier flying being an extremely specialised skill, the only testing and training range available in the world is the Ukraine-based Nitka centre.
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