
Dec 2, 2010

Sudáfrica y Brasil en conversaciones para el desarrollo de un misil antiaéreo/ South Africa and Brazil talking on surface to air missile cooperation

Se están manteniendo negociaciones entre la Armada Brasileña y la compañia estatal sudafricana de armamento Denel Dynamics, sobre el desarrollo conjunto del misil SAM naval Umkhonto-R. Brasil impone dos condiciones para participar en el proyecto.
Debe existir acuerdo entre gobiernos, ya que el gobierno Sudafricano aún no ha aprobado el proyecto, y la segunda es que la Armada de Sudáfrica debe comprometerse a adquirir el Umkhonto-R.
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Talks are continuing between the Brazilian Navy and South Africa’s State-owned missile company, Denel Dynamics, about the joint development of the proposed Umkhonto-R medium-range radar-guided naval surface-to-air missile. The Brazilian Navy has, however, two conditions for participation in the project.
First, there must be an overarching government-to-government framework agreement, including mutual guarantees, to govern the programme.
It is believed that this still has to be agreed by the South African government. Second, the South African Navy (SAN) must commit itself to also buying the Umkhonto-R.
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