
Mar 5, 2010

Corea del Sur recibe su primer lote de P-3CK /South Korea finally receives its first batch of P-3CKs

La Armada de Corea del Sur ha recibido los tres primeros P-3CK de un total de ocho previstos. Los P-3CK tienen gran cantidad de equipos avanazados, ademas de portar el misil Harpoon Block II aire-tierra, con capacidad de batir baterías de artilleria o lanzadores de misiles en la costa. Los cinco restantes se entregarán este año 2010. Las ocho unidades eran antiguos P-3B, modernizados en Corea del Sur a P-3CK y fueron recibidos hace cuatro años. Las entregas han comenzado este año, con la aprobación de Estados Unidos a la integración de determinados equipos. La armada de Corea del Sur ya dispone de ochoP-3C, la compra dobla el número de unidades disponibles.
The South Korean navy has received its first three of eight Lockheed Martin P-3CK maritime patrol aircraft from Korea Aerospace Industries. The P-3CKs have surveillance equipment including multipurpose radar, high-definition electro-optical and infrared cameras and digital acoustic analysis equipment. Munitions include Harpoon Block II air-to-ground missiles that can hit "the enemy's coastal units or missile launchers". The remaining five aircraft will be delivered within this year. These eight aircraft were previously P-3Bs that the navy bought from the USA and had upgraded to P-3CK.
KAI received the eight P-3s at least four years ago, but has only started delivering the aircraft this year because there were issues with systems integration and South Korea had to receive US export approval for some equipment on board, add the sources.
The navy already has eight P-3Cs, so the addition of P-3CKs doubles the service's P-3fleet.

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