Misiles antiaéreos Patriot de Estados Unidos se desplegarán en Polonia en Abril., en una a unos 50 km. del enclave ruso de Kaliningrado.
El Ministro de Defensa de Polonia declaró que la ubicación no obedecía a razones políticas ni estratégicas, sino a razones de infraestructura. El presidente Polaco ratificó el pasado 26 de febrero el estatus de las tropas norteamericanas desplazadas a este país, facilitando el despliegue de los misiles. El presidente Obama retiró en Septiembre de 2009, el plan para instalar un escudo antimisiles en Polonia y República Checa que había irritado a Rusia.
U.S.Patriot Missiles On Ground In April: PolandThe first batch of U.S. Patriot missiles will be deployed in Poland in April. U.S. troops tasked with operating the missiles will arrive at the same time. The surface-to-air missiles are to be deployed in northern Poland, 35 miles from the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad.
Poland Defense Minister Bogdan Klich said last month that the choice of the site close to Kaliningrad had "no political or strategic meaning - its good infrastructure is the only reason." Polish President Lech Kaczynski on Feb. 26 ratified an agreement on the future status of U.S. troops in Poland, opening the way for the missile deployment.President Obama in September scrapped a plan agreed in 2008 to install a controversial anti-missile shield system in Poland and the Czech Republic that had enraged Russia.
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