(probable aspecto del futuro bombardero estratégico)
Con un nuevo caza de quinta generación en desarrollo (PAK-FA), Putin desea un nuevo modelo de bombardero estratégico con capacidad nuclear Tras la caida de la Unión Soviética, Rusia heredó una flota de Tu-95M turbohélice y una flota un poco mas moderna de Tu-160 "Blackjack".
With new fighter in hand, Putin wants modern bombersOnce it has completed work on its own fifth-generation fighter, Russia must proceed with designing a brand-new nuclear-capable strategic bomber, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Monday. After the demise of the Soviet Union, Russia inherited a fleet of the still formidable but fast-aging Tupolev Tu-95M and also a much smaller fleet of the more modern, Tupolev Tu-160 "Blackjack".
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