
Mar 11, 2010

El nuevo destrctor iraní "Jamaran" dispara misil antibuque con éxito/New Iran navy ship successfully fires anti ship missile

IRNA, la agencia oficial de noticias iraní, ha anunciado que su nuevo destructor "Jamaran", ha lanzado misil antibuque con éxito. El misil ha sido llamado Noor (Luz).
No ha sido comunicada la zona exacta de lanzamiento. El lanzamiento ha sido encuadrado dentro de las pruebas sobre la capacidad del buque. El misil ya ha sido utilizado anteriormente en maniobras. Sin embargo, este hecho del lanzamiento, no ha podido se verificado por medios independientes.

IRNA, Iran's official news agency says its navy has successfully test fired a sea missile from a newly commissioned destroyer in its southern waters.
The anti-ship missile, dubbed Noor, or Light, destroyed its target.
The report doesn't elaborate on the range or give the exact location of the launch but said the missile was fired from the Jamaran destroyer. The ship was inaugurated in February in a southern Iranian port.
The test is considered part of an assessment of the ship's capabilities. The missile has been used regularly in war games over the past years.
Iran occasionally announces military advancements that cannot be verified independently.

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