
Mar 11, 2010

Malasia utiliza el King Air como avión de vigilancia/Malaysia put faith in King Airs

Malasia está utilizando el Beechcraft King Air aircraft para cubrir sus necesidades de vigilancia. La fuerza aérea dispone de cuatro King Air, uno de ellos modernizado con radar Thales, estando previsto modernizar uno mas. La policía de Malasia dsipone de tres King Air recientemente adquiridos y se espera recibir dos mas con equipamiento avanzado como radar con cobertura 360° y FLIR.
Malasia siempre ha manifestado sus intenciones para adquirir aviones AEW como el Northrop Grumman E-2D y el Saab 2000 Erieye, pero esto no ha sido posible debido a restricciones presupuestarias.
Malaysia is relying on Beechcraft King Air aircraft to fulfil its immediate needs for surveillance aircraft.
The air force has four King Airs, that it bought in 1994, and one has just been upgraded with Thales radar, say well-placed industry sources. Airod was responsible for the upgrade programme, and is to upgrade one more of the air force's King Airs with Thales radar. Besides the air force, Malaysia's police force recently took delivery of three King Airs and the final two on order will be fitted with more advanced equipment, says one industry source. These two King Airs will have 360° radar as well as FLIR infrared with downlinks.
Malaysia has a long-term ambition to get airborne early warning aircraft and has looked at the Northrop Grumman E-2D and Saab 2000 Erieye. But budget constraints has meant it is unclear when Malaysia will have the funds to place an order.

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