India y Rusia negocian la venta de 42 Su-30MKI para la Fuerza Aérea India, por unos 3 billones de dólares. Las negociaciones se han estado llevando a cabo durante los pasados meses. Rusia dispondría unos 230 SU-30. El nuevo pedido se realiza debido al insuficiente número de escuadrones de caza de la Fuerza Aérea India y para eliminar potenciales amenazas. India originalmente pidió 50 Su-30MKI en 1996-98 mas 40 adicionales en 2007. Además HAL ganó un contrato para la construcción de 140 aviones en la India. Los 100 Su-30MKI de India se encuentran principalmente desplegados cerca de las fronteras con China y Pakistan. Los expertos creen que India será el principal cliente de Rusia en los próximos 15 años ya que necesita urgentemente modernizar su fuerza aérea, sobre todo sustituir a los numerosos y anticuados MiG-21.
India and Russia are negotiating a new contract on the delivery of 42 Su-30MKI to the Indian Air Force According to the Daily News and Analysis newspaper, the new deal, which is reportedly worth more than $3 billion, has been in the works for several months.
The new air-superiority fighters will come on top of the 230 already contracted from Russia in three deals worth a total of $8.5 billion.
"The [new] order is being placed due to the insufficient number of fighter squadrons in the Indian Air Force and would allow us to eliminate potential threats," a source in the Indian Defense Ministry told RIA Novosti.
India originally ordered 50 Su-30MKI aircraft from Russia in 1996-98 and an additional 40 planes in 2007. Hindustani Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) was also contracted to build 140 aircraft in India between 2003 and 2017 under a licensed production agreement.
The Indian Air Force currently has about 100 Su-30MKIs, mainly deployed at airbases close to the borders with China and Pakistan.
Analysts believe that India will remain the main purchaser of Russian-made combat aircraft for the next 15 years under existing and future contracts, as the country desperately needs to upgrade its fighter fleet, which includes Su-30MKI and MiG-29 fighters, but mainly consists of obsolete Soviet MiG-21 models.
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