UN A330 ha llegado a la factoría de Defensa de Qantas (QDS) en Brisbane, directamente del fabricante, desde la planta de Airbus en Toulouse, para conversión a KC-30A MRTT (cisterna) para la RAAF. Es el cuarto de los cinco pedidos y el tercero que se transfomará en MRTT tras un periodo de diez meses, en Brisbane.
El segundo avión en modificarse está a punto de finalizarse. El primero está llevando a cabo las certificaciones en España.
Los dos primeros KC-30A se entregarán a la RAAF a finales de 2010, los tres restantes se entregarán a principios de 2012.
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An A330 has arrived at Qantas Defence Services (QDS) in Brisbane ready for conversion to a KC-30A MRTT for the RAAF. It´s the fourth of the five on order and the third to be converted at Brisbane, was built as a standard A330-200 by Airbus in Toulouse, and will be modified over a 10 month period into its MRTT form.
The second aircraft to be modified by QDS is nearing completion and is scheduled to receive ‘power-on’ in July, while the first joined the original Airbus modified aircraft in Spain late last year for flight test and certification work.
The first two KC-30As are due to be delivered to the RAAF by the end of 2010, with the remaining three due by early 2012.
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