El pasado 16 de junio de 2010 se produjo la retirada formal de los S-61 Sea King de la Fuerza Aérea Danesa. En servicio desde 1965 en el 722 Squadron, serán sustituídos por 14 AW101 Merlin, pedidos en 2001, en la misión de SAR.
De estos, cuatro Merlin fueron transferidos a la Royal Air Force en 2007, siendo sustituídos por ejemplares nuevos. La última unidad fue entregada el 20 de enero de 2010.
On June 16 the Royal Danish Air Force formally retired its last S-61 Sea King helicopters. In service since 1965, the S-61s of 722 Squadron are being replaced by the AW101 Merlin for the Search and Rescue role. The original batch of eight S-61s was delivered between May and October 1965.
An order for 14 AgustaWestland AW101 Mk 512 Merlins was placed in December 2001. From the 14 original deliveries, four SAR-configured and two Tactical Transport Helicopter versions were transferred to the UK Royal Air Force in mid-2007 and have subsequently been replaced with newer examples, the first of these being delivered on June 5, 2009, whilst the final example was handed-over on January 20.
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