El Ministerio de Defensa de Rusia pedirá adquirirá 50 cazas de quinta generación Sukhoi PAK FA T-50 desde 2016. El avión tiene capacidades similares a las del caza de quinta generación americano F-22, con el que compite, junto al F-35 Lightning II, siendo tres veces mas barato que el F-22.
Rusia ha desarrollado el avión desde los años noventa. Tendrá un alcance de mas de 5.500 km y entrará en servicio en 2015. Estará armado con armas de nueva generación aire-aire, aire-superficie, antibuque y dos cañones de 30 mm.
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Russia's Defense Ministry will order at least 50 fifth-generation fighters from 2016
The requirements we are setting on this plane are well above those for the U.S. fifth-generation aircraft and the Russian fighter will be about three times as cheap as its foreign analogs. PAK FA T-50 is designed to compete with the U.S. F-22 Raptor and the F-35 Lightning II.
Russia has been developing its newest fighter since the 1990s and the stealth fighter jet with a range of up to 5,500 km should enter service with the Air Force in 2015. The PAK FA is to be armed with next-generation air-to-air, air-to-surface, and air-to-ship missiles, and has two 30-mm cannons.
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