Corea del Norte pidió cazas J-10 a China, pero la solicitud fue rechazada. La propuesta fue hecha directamente por el presidente norcoreano Kim Jong-il al presidente chino Hu Jintao en su visita del pasado mayo de 2010. El rechazo, provoco al parecer la vuelta de Kim Jong-Il un día antes de lo previsto.
Observers guess this is the reason why Kim left a day earlier than scheduled.
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North Korea asked China to provide it with the latest J-10 fighter jets and other hardware but was rejected, it emerged Wednesday.
According to a high-ranking source in the North, North Korean leader Kim Jong-il made the request to Chinese President Hu Jintao when he visited China in early May. But Hu apparently told Kim that China will protect and support him if attacked.
Observers guess this is the reason why Kim left a day earlier than scheduled.
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