El tercer "destructor porta aeronaves" de la Marina Japonesa muestra visibles mejoras respecto a los anteriores buques de la clase Hyuga.
El nuevo buque, 22DDH, tiene una eslora de 248, y desplaza más de 24.000 tons, lo que le hace un 50 % mayor que la clase Hyuga. Su superestructura es similar, pero contiene un silo para misiles de lanzamiento vertical de defensa aérea. Para la defensa de punto montan tres Phalanx Mk 15 y dos lanzadores de misiles SAM, en lugar de los dos Phalanx anteriores.
Una de las razones del incremento en el tamaño, podría ser la previsión de dotar al buque con el V-22 y el F-35B de despegue y aterrizaje vertical, además de la posibilidad de portar UAV.
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Rumors that the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force's third "aircraft carrying destroyer" would mark a major improvement in size and capability over the Hyuga class ships now entering service have been confirmed.
The new 22DDH will be 248 meters long and 39 meters in beam, and displace more than 24,000 tons. This makes her almost 50 percent larger than the Hyuga class. The superstructure is very similar to that of the Hyuga class with the difference that the 01 deck is extended forward, probably to accommodate a vertical launch silo for air defense missiles. The point defenses of the new ships are more than doubled, with three Phalanx Mk 15 mountings and two RAM launchers replacing the pair of Phalanx mounts on the older ship.
One of the reasons for the increase in size of the 22DDH design could be a planned shift to the V-22 Osprey and the F-35B short takeoff and vertical landing variant of the Joint Strike Fighter, and, provision for the operation of UAV.
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