Sudán ha fabricado su primer avión militar, dentro de los planes de industrialización del país. Recibe el nombre de Alsafat-01, y su combustible es benceno, no el jet de aviación. Existen planes para fabricar diez aviones, antes de comenzar la producción para el mercado civil. Su coste es de quince mil dólares.
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Sudanese military has assembled the country's first-ever military aircraft from spare-parts manufactured locally as part of the country's industrialization strategy.
The first ever Sudanese-made plane, named the Alsafat-01, is manufactured to fly using the normal benzene-fired fuels, not jet-fuel, used by most commercial aircraft.
Sudan has been under international sanctions that bar its local companies from trading with American firms.
Sudan's military officers in-charge of the plane-manufacturing complex said their plan was to manufacture 10 such aircraft in future before moving to the construction of civilian aircraft.
The cost of the 'Safat-01' plane was US$ 15,000.
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