
Oct 17, 2014

Afghanistan to weaponise MD 530F helos

The Afghan Air Force (AAF) is to arm its MD 530F helicopters to give them a dual role as both training and close-support platforms.
The five helicopters in service and the 12 recently ordered will be equipped with a Mission Equipment Package (MEP) under a USD44.2 million contract awarded by the US Army on behalf of the AAF.
Weapons package will comprise the FN Herstal Heavy Machine Gun Pod , featuring the company's M3 12.7 mm (.50 calibre) machine gun. This HMP, which will be carried on external weapons planks, has a rate of fire of 1,100 rds/min and a 400-round ammunition box. Other enhancements will include the Rhode & Schwarz M3AR tactical radio communications system, the Robertson Fuel System, and Kinetic Defense ballistic armour panels.

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