http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2010/01/22/2003464114 Por vez primera en 30 años, un avión militar de Taiwan (C-130), fue autorizado a aterrizar en Estados Unidos. Washington permitió al C-130 aterrizar para repostar en su camino para llevar ayuda a Haiti. Un oficial de la USAF dijo “Hemos aprobado la solicitud del avión de repostar en Estados Unidos y sus territorios, para que la ayuda llegara a Haiti los mas rápido posible.” Preguntado sobre si se habia pedido luz verde a Pekín, respondio que "no es necesario, ya que se aprobó por causas humanitarias". Un portavoz del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores Chino, reaccionó diciendo que "nos oponemos a que cualquier gobierno, incluido Estados Unidos, tenga contactos oficiales con Taiwan.”
http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2010/01/22/2003464114 For the first time in 30 years, a Taiwanese military plane has been allowed to land in the United States. Washington allowed the C-130 to land for refueling while on its way carrying relief supplies to Haiti. USAF officer said “We have approved Taiwan’s request for a cargo airplane to refuel in the US and in US territories in order to reach Haiti as quickly as possible. We are doing possible to ensure needed emergency supplies reach Haiti expeditiously. This is part of that effort”. Asked if Washington had discussed the issue with Beijing prior to giving the green light, Kavanagh told Agence France Presse “there is no need” as the approval was given on humanitarian grounds. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu reacted to the news by saying: “We oppose any government, including the United States, from having any official contact with Taiwan.”The Chinese-language United Daily News identified the aircraft as a C-130 air force transport plane and said the stop was for refueling.
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