Según KeyAero.com la USAFE (Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos en Europa), ha comunicado la reducción en el número de los F-16C estacionado en Spangdahlem, Alemania.
Así lo ha confirmado durante su visita a Alemania el Jefe de la USAFE (General Roger Brady). Esto forma parte de un plan para disponer de una fuerza aérea mas pequeña, pero mas capaz. En lugar de dos escuadrones con veintiún aviones, se dispondría de solo uno con 24, junto al escuadrón de A-10 Thunderbolt II allí desplegados.
According KeyAero.com USAFE has confirmed the drawdown of F-16C fighters at Spangdahlem Air Base in Germany.
During a visit to Spangdahlem Air Base in Germany, the US Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) Commander General Roger Brady confirmed the drawdown of F-16C fighters at the base.
As part of the US Air Force’s plan to retire ‘legacy’ fighters to fund a smaller and more capable force, a squadron would be stood down at Spangdahlem with 24 aircraft, in addition to the A-10 Thunderbolt II squadron," he said.
The reduction plan will also include a possible reduction in manpower by approximately 450, and 18 F-16s will be removed saving around $355 million in 2010. With only two squadrons at the base, its future has also been in doubt.
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