Según china-defense.blogspot, el número actual de Aviation News (HangKong Bao), muestra una docena de cazas J11B almacenados sin motores instalados. Esto resalta los problemas que afronta la Fuerza Aérea China (PLAAF), debido a las dificultades de Shanyang Liming Aircraft Engine Company para suministrar los motores FWS10A pedidos a tiempo. Esto impide la entrada de producción en masa, y quizás la imagen mostrada es para presionar al fabricante para que trabaje mas rápido.
According china-defense.blogspot, the current issue of Aviation News (HangKong Bao) displays a dozen manufactured J11Bs sitting at SAC without engines. This highlights the problem the PLAAF faces due to Shanyang Liming Aircraft Engine company's inability to fulfill all FWS10A (Taihang) orders. As indicted by the SAC's press release on its 2009 performance, it said it had fulfilled its PLAAF contracts "fairly" well. Which is different from previous press releases describing their performance as "very" well.*
Production certification delays prevented the FWS10A from entering mass production until recently. Perhaps this public display of engine-less fighters is SAC telling its partners to work faster.
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