Desde agosto de 2009, los tres helicópteros Tigre desplegados por Francia en Kabul, han jugado un activo papel en el teatro de operaciones. Pertenecientes al 5 Regimiento de Helicópteros de combate, con base en Pau, pronto alcanzaron la plena capacidad operativa, y fueron autorizados a formar parte de ISAF, tras realizar pruebas de tiro. Forman parte de la "Musketeer Task Force", que incluye a los 11 helicópteros franceses desplegadso en Kabul(3 EC725 Caracal, 2 AS 532 Cougar, 3 SA 342 Gazelle y 3 EC 665 Tigre). Desde su llegada a Kabul, su nivel de operatividad ha sido del 95%
Since August 10, 2009, the three Tiger combat helicopters deployed by France in Kabul have been playing an active operational role in Afghanistan.
The three helicopters from the 5th Combat Helicopters Regiment, Pau, first of all underwent firing certification tests, successfully completed, and the Tigers and their crews were then granted "full operational capability", authorizing them to serve as part of the ISAF. They are today part of the "Musketeer Task Force" which comprises the 11 French helicopters deployed at Kabul airport (three EC725 Caracals, two AS 532 Cougars, three SA 342 Gazelles and three EC 665 Tigers). Since arriving in the Afghan theater of operations, the Tiger helicopters have maintained an availability level of around 95%: a remarkable statistic for such a relatively young aircraft.
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