Han comenzado las pruebas del Boeing’s F-15 Silent Eagle, con características semi- furtivas. Boeing se está centrando en Corea del Sur como posible cliente, ya que ha lanzado el programa F-X3, para dotarse de 60 cazas.
Las pruebas tuvieron lugar entre Agosto y Septiembre de 2009. Esta variante del F-15 va dirigida a clientes que ya operan el F-15 y están buscando unidades adicionales y se presenta como alternativa al Lockheed Martin F-35. Si bien no tiene las mismas características de furtividad, es mucho mas barato. El primer vuelo está planeado para Julio. Una vez completadas las pruebas de armamento, comenzará la campaña de marketing. Se esperan ventas por 190 Silent Eagle, a pesar de que Israel no está interesado, y se ha decantado por el F-35.
Arabia Saudi, que tiene que sustituir sus F-15 mas antiguos, y Singapur, son vistos tambien como posibles clientes. El coste estimado por Boeing es de unos 100 millones USD/Unidad.
With radar-cross-section (RCS) trials for Boeing’s Silent Eagle semi-stealthy F-15 prototype complete, company officials are now focusing on South Korea as a possible first customer.
The RCS testing took place during a two-week period last August and September, although Boeing has only just acknowledged it. The company is eyeing South Korea’s forthcoming F-X3 competition for 60 fighters as the first sales opportunity for the Silent Eagle. Boeing is developing the variant for international customers that already operate F-15s and are seeking additional aircraft. The system is a possible alternative for nations interested in the Lockheed Martin F-35. buto the Silent Eagle is not as stealthy as the JSF, but it is cheaper.
The RCS testing is a step leading toward first flight, which is slated for late July.
Following the weapons demo, the team will turn its attention toward marketing and sales. Bass says the company has not tempered its hope of selling 190 Silent Eagles despite lackluster support from Israel, which is aggressively pursuing the F-35.
South Korea is expected to issue a request for proposals by early 2011 for new fighters. At a later date, Saudi Arabia may accept solicitations to replace up to 80 early model F-15s.Singapore is also a possible customer.
Boeing has cited a rough cost for Silent Eagle of $100 million per aircraft, although that would depend on factors such as co-development plans that have not yet been established.
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