Según AirForceTimes, un informe emitido por la Air Force Association, el lobby mas influyente en la fuerza aérea, desea el fin de las misiones de bombardeo nuclear para los bombarderos de la Fuerza Aérea.
Dos antiguos oficiales quieren que el servicio deje esta misión, excepto para misiles intercontinales (ICBM), dedicando la siguiente generación de bombarderos a armas convencionales. Este informe llega cuando la siguiente generación de bombarderos está bajo fuerte discusión. El Pentágono está elaborando un informe en el que recomienda pasar de las misiones nucleares de ICBM, submarinos y bombarderos, a sólo ICBM y submarinos.
According AirForceTimes, a report issued by Air Force Association, the Air Force’s main lobbying group, wants end of nucler strike role for bombers.
Two former Air Force officials want the service to drop its nuclear mission except for intercontinental ballistic missiles, dedicating its next-generation bomber solely to conventional weapons.
Released through the Air Force Association’s think tank, the Mitchell Institute for Airpower Studies, the report comes at a time when both the nation’s nuclear forces and the next-generation bomber are already generating much discussion.
Air Force leaders are hashing out what they want in a new bomber, scheduled for delivery in 2018, and the Pentagon is finishing a congressionally mandated nuclear forces review due in March.
The report recommends the U.S. gradually shift from three ways of deploying nuclear warheads —land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarines and bombers — to two ways, the ICBMs and submarines.
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